  • 學位論文


The records to provide cleaner production technical guidance for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and the research on feasibility of CP strategy–Using the Taipei County as case study

指導教授 : 於幼華


國內清潔生產工作之推動主要由經濟部工業局主辦,歷年皆透過與清潔生產相關的輔導計畫,策略性的遴選不同行業別及工業區之企業或經由建立中衛體系進行輔導與推廣工作。惟因投入的資源與經費不足,致使清潔生產的推廣與技術的研發無法普及至中小企業,特別是位於工業區外之中小企業或未登記工廠,絕大部分被排除在輔導計畫之外,因數量頗多,累計排放之污染量仍不容小視,是以整體推動效果受到限制未有顯著成效。 本研究係彙整「財團法人清潔生產及區域發展基金會」於實際推動台北縣中小企業清潔生產輔導之全部歷程,包含輔導計畫之先期規劃工作、寄發廠商之公文、工廠實地輔導過程之完整記錄、輔導後提供企業之改善建議報告、以及後續改善成效追蹤與整體輔導成果之展現等等。這是全國首例由地方政府自行推動產業界清潔生產之輔導計畫。 研究中也紀錄基金會於推動台北縣中小企業清潔生產輔導過程中所遭遇之困難,同時探討中小企業就清潔生產面向考量時,在管理面與執行面上常見之缺失,並研擬推動清潔生產之可行性策略與改善方法。除此之外,本研究亦蒐集國內與國外清潔生產推動之現況及其政策與手段進行分析比較,並對我國現行清潔生產推動策略和執行方式之改進提出建議。最後,在企業之實地查訪輔導中,彙整產業界在推動清潔生產時所面臨之問題與執行上之困難,提供台北縣政府作為未來推動清潔生產輔導工作及政策擬定之參考。 研究結果顯示,本輔導計畫整體減量績效包括:減少CO2排放量1,164公噸/年、省水17,601噸/年、有害污泥減量1,480公斤/年、有害事業廢棄物減量58.33噸/年、一般事業廢棄物減少15噸/年、廢水排放減量28,514噸/年、化學物質HCFC-141減量69噸/年、銅粉回收1,058公斤/年、以及減少硫酸液滴排放142.56公斤/年等。 就整體輔導效果而言,中小企業因對清潔生產的認知不足,欠缺相關知識與技術,復因相關獎勵措施及法令之誘因不足,以及企業因需面臨國外競爭壓力與國內需求不振雙重挑戰等經營之不利條件下,參與清潔生產的意願不高,導致國內清潔生產推動之狀況停滯不前。因此,如何增加清潔生產推動經費之投入並提供產業自發性之誘因,應是當前工業主管機關及地方政府最重要的課題。 本研究因實際輔導過程僅9個月,對於本次輔導推動清潔生產廠商之績效量化,係以改善前、後減量之差異換算為全年之績效進行估算。建議後續之研究或主管機關可針對此部份繼續追蹤輔導,以獲得整體、實際性的減量資料。另在清潔生產推動法令制定上,我國至今尚未提出相關法規,較之歐、美、日以及中國大陸,顯然落後許多。歐盟指令利用「市場」和「經濟」的力量超越國界,讓全球的電子電機大廠和無數的零組件廠商「被迫」進行清潔生產。此一方式值得我國借鏡。


The Industrial Development Bureau (IDB) of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) is the principal promoter of cleaner production on the domestic front. Each year through the cleaner production technical guidance program, the task force strategically selects enterprises of different industries from various industrial zones for guidance and promotion of cleaner production, or through the established Central Satellite System. However, because of inadequate resources and funding, the promotion of cleaner production and related R&D technology are by no means popularized among small and medium enterprises (SMEs), especially when the SMEs are unregistered small companies or factories outside of the industrial zones. They are naturally excluded from the technical guidance program. The fact that these enterprises account for a significant portion of the industry makes it difficult to control the total pollution emission, so the overall promotion of the cleaner production technical guidance program is limited to having insignificant results. In this study, the complete process of actual technical guidance of the cleaner production promotion program to SMEs in Taipei County as it is conducted by the Cleaner Production & Regional Development Foundation has been recorded, which includes pre-planning, sending of official documents to manufacturers, on-site guidance, recommendations for possible improvements after guidance, tracking of promotion results in follow-up guidance, and demonstrating the overall results of the technical guidance program, etc. This has been the first attempt by a local government to promote the cleaner production technical guidance program to local industries. In the research process, we have registered the difficulties encountered by the Foundation during the course of providing technical guidance of cleaner production to SMEs in Taipei County, and have explored the SME considerations in the cleaner production orientation. We have also examined the deficiencies that are commonly found in the management and implementation levels. In addition, we have surveyed the feasibility of cleaner production promotion strategies and improvement measures. Furthermore, current information about the cleaner production technical guidance, policies, strategies and implementation means are compared with similar programs abroad. Based on the comparison results, we have offered recommendations for improvement of the promotion and implementation strategies. Finally, in the field survey and client visits we conducted, the difficulties encountered by SMEs during the promotion and implementation of cleaner production in the industries are reported to the Taipei County Government, which can be used as future reference for cleaner production technical guidance program and policy formulation. The performance results of the technical guidance program shows overall reduction of pollution emission, including: reduction in CO2 emission by 1,164 tons/year, saving of water by 17,601 tons/year, reduction of hazardous sludge by 1,480 kilo/year, reduction of harmful Waste by 58.33 tons/year, reduction of general industrial waste by 15 tons/year, reduction of wastewater emission by 28,514 tons/year, reduction of chemical HCFC-141 CER by 69 tons/year, recovery of copper powder for 1,058kg/year, and reduction of liquid sulfuric acid emission by 142.56 kg/year, etc. Regarding its overall results, the program has been hampered by general lack of awareness of the cleaner production among SMEs, and lack of related technology. The problems are compounded by lack of related incentives, regulations and legislations. In addition, SMEs have to face twofold difficulties of foreign competition and sluggish domestic demand. Such adverse conditions pose dual challenges for their business operation. Consequently, they show low intention to participate in the cleaner production program, resulting in a stagnant market for promoting the cleaner production program to domestic SMEs. Therefore, the impending issue is how to increase the funding for the promotion of cleaner production, and create incentives for spontaneous industry involvement, which is the most important task for the current industrial management and local government authorities. The actual duration of the technical guidance program only covers nine months. In this study, the performance results of the technical promotion program of cleaner production to companies are quantified, which involves the conversion of annual pollution emission reduction in different periods before and after the improvement programs are installed. These numerical figures are to be applied in the performance evaluation. We recommend follow-up studies and continuation of the technical guidance program to track the results of cleaner production in order to obtain reliable pollution reduction information. On the legislation front, laws and regulations for cleaner production are not yet installed in our country; we are clearly far behind when comparing with Europe, the United States, Japan and mainland China. EU directives make use of their "market" and "economic" power to push global electronic and electrical machinery manufacturers and countless components manufacturers around the world to fulfill cleaner production. This could be a reference model for our country.


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