  • 學位論文


Interpretation of pit features of the Shi chao site in Tainan county, Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳有貝


本論文研究目的是石橋遺址內灰坑功能的探究,此遺址整體上主要包含二層文化層,即一般所認知的蔦松文化與大湖文化;因其灰坑數量多,其內容與型態又存在相當大的變異性,故選取發掘區域內的特定區塊作為研究對象。主要由以下幾個面向切入討論:灰坑的外型、堆積方式、內容物、空間分佈、與遺址內其他現象、遺物的關係,加上鄰近地區的研究,由彼此的辨證過程,以冀釐清這些”坑狀遺跡”在做為垃圾坑之外,是否有其他使用方式。 研究過程中,首先依照出土文化層與型態各屬性作初步分類。第一步在深度與口徑對應而成的坑體型態內,討論各類灰坑的其他屬性,例如坑壁、內容物分層狀態、相互關係等。第二步將生活面上各層的陶片重量加總,做出相對程度的陶片堆積分佈表,並配合其他器物與遺跡的分佈,區分日常活動區與丟棄區。第三步將灰坑放入上述空間分佈區域的架構下,配合灰坑自身的分類屬性與內容物,做出相關功能的推論。 大湖文化烏山頭期的灰坑,透過深度與口徑所代表的外型,參照先前的研究成果果,以生活面其他器物與墓葬、甕棺等遺跡的分佈,界定空間叢集的範圍,連結同時性與空間性的分類結果。蔦松文化時期的灰坑型態與分佈樣貌較烏山頭期更多元,與之差異亦大。以型態分類之後,發現此期的灰坑存在中型灰坑搭配大型與小型灰坑的叢集模式;在部分靠近墓葬群的灰坑中與附近地面,出現較特殊的器物組合與灰坑型態。灰坑的帶狀分佈環繞成特定走向的活動區塊,配合遺跡與其他器物的分佈觀察,灰坑的在空間上也具有標示邊界的意涵。 以往對於灰坑的功能,認為在作為垃圾坑之前,可能具有其他功能,石橋遺址因為其灰坑數量多,透過遺址內坑狀遺跡資料的整理,對此種坑狀遺跡的功能與該地區的史前生活有更深入的暸解。


This thesis is about to explore the usage of pit features of the Shi Chao site. There are two kinds of culture remain in the Shi Chao site, which are known as Niaosung Culture and Dahu Culture. The pit features in Shi Chao vary in their shapes and contents. This thesis is going to collect the data of the pit features from two 40m*40m regions. The research is up to discuss whether there are other ways of usage, besides the dumping purpose, of these pit features by examining their outline of shapes and inner deposit, contents, special distribution, and relationship with other features and remains. First, I will sort out different types of pit features by their relative level, mouth width and depth, and observe the attributes, such as the outline, inner stratification, and interrelationship of these types. The second is summing the accumulation of shards to discriminate the living area and dumping area. The third is to put the pit features into the areas above, combining with their own types, attributes, and contents, to interpret the function of these pit features. It shows that there are cluster gathers between pit features of Dahu Culture in Shi Chao. On the other hand, it shows more diversity between pit features of Niaosung Culture. During Niaosung period, cluster gathers present in different ways which mark the boundary of activity areas by their special distributions. It also implies that there is a specific tendency between the pit features near the burials, differing in their contents, outlines, and inner stratification.


1957 〈台灣南部平埔族平台屋的比較〉《中研院民族學研究所集刊》3:117-144。
1995 《土壤分析手冊》臺灣省政府農林廳,臺北。
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Harold J. Hietala with editorial contributions by Paul A. Larson, Jr
Stark, Miriam T. edited
