  • 學位論文


Rhenium Complexes with N-Heterocyclic Carbene Ligands: Synthesis and Coordination

指導教授 : 劉緒宗


利用已經開發的方法合成一系列零價與一價的氮異環碳烯錸金屬錯合物,利用X-ray單晶繞射分析其結構,可以發現在氮異環碳烯取代原有羰基後,錸金屬錯合物之結構改變,以及利用紅外光光譜測定這系列錯合物的羰基振動頻率,藉此量測氮異環碳烯的電子予體性質。並且利用有機膦與氮異環碳烯錸金屬的錯合反應,合成出具有氮異環碳烯與有機膦配位的錸金屬錯合物,並利用晶體結構與光譜比較氮異環碳烯與有機膦之予體性質差異。 由於未取代氮異環碳烯錸金屬對強鹼環境的不穩定,因此利用自由碳烯與溴化五羰錸 [BrRe(CO)5] 之錯合反應合成出具有取代基之一價氮異環碳烯錸錯合物,經由結構與光譜的分析,發現有取代之氮異環碳烯較未取代之氮異環碳烯為較好之電子予體,而未取代之氮異環碳烯與三苯基膦之予體性質相近。 藉由有取代之氮異環碳烯錸金屬錯合物與NaBHEt3進行還原反應可以得到穩定的氮異環碳烯錸金屬氫化物,藉由氫核磁共振光譜可以區別氮異環碳烯之予體能力。最後亦利用文獻方法合成氮異環碳烯與2, 2'-聯吡啶配位之錯合物,藉此錯合物之UV-Vis光譜與磷光光譜分析此系列錯合物之差異。


We use the amine-phosphinimine to prepare a series of Re(0) and Re(I) carbene complexes. The crystal structures of these rhenium complexes show the donor ability of carbene in the complexes, and we use IR to evaluate the donor ability of carbenes. The reaction between Re carbene complex and phosphine ligands let us to differentiate the difference between unsubstituted NHCs and phosphines. Due to the decompose reaction of unsubstituted Re carbene complexes under strong basic condition, we use the reaction between [BrRe(CO)5] and free carbene to synthesis substituted Re(I) carbene complexes. These complexes are studied by X-ray diffraction and IR, we found that the unsubstituted carbene shows poorer donor ability than substituted carbenes. Unsubstituted carbene has similar donor ability to triphenylphosphine. Substituted rhenium(I) carbene complexes can react with NaBHEt3 to synthesis stable rhenium hydride carbene complexes. The chemical shift in the 1H-NMR spectrum of rhenium hydride carbene complexes can differentiate the donor ability of donor ligands. At last, we synthesis rhenium bipyridine carbene complexes, with using UV-Vis and emission spectrum to analyze the difference in these complexes.


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