  • 學位論文


The Effect of Agency Problem on the Result of Merger and Acquisition

指導教授 : 盧秋玲


近年來兩岸合作氣氛熱絡,在簽署「經濟合作架構協議(ECFA)」及「金融監理備忘錄」後,中國大陸、香港與台灣兩岸三地之併購活動與相互投資意願上升;另外現階段台灣產業面臨轉型以提升對外競爭力的需求,企業主及政府無不致力於推動併購來增強營運規模及範疇。 然而,在回顧過往併購相關的文獻後,發現大多併購案件為失敗收場,造成此結論的原因可能是併購前調查及決策的錯誤、併購後整併的失敗或者衡量成敗的方法錯誤。而近年來併購弊案頻傳,更令人擔憂代理人問題是否普遍存在於台灣企業當中,並重大的影響小股東權益。因而本研究從代理人問題發想,探討經理人的決策行為對併購成敗所造成的影響。 根據本研究的實證分析後,得到了四項主要結論。首先,上市公司的併購案件的成功機率較上櫃公司及興櫃公司高;第二、上市公司的併購成效在併購後兩年便開始發酵,且隨著期間拉長,主併公司的股價表現越來越好;第三、主併公司的經理人的持股比率對併購成功的機率有顯著反向的影響力,而此結論亦符合「傲慢假說」的論點;最後,主併公司的資金成本對其投資的決策的確有抑制效果,當企業的資金成本較高時,將較為謹慎地選擇較佳的投資目標,進而產生較高的成功併購案,反之亦然。


併購 代理人問題 傲慢假說


Many literatures argue that most of the M&A cases failed due to the deficient due diligence process, manager’s immature decisions, or poor integration of the two businesses. Some even argue the wrong assessment methods lead to the wrong conclusion of the result of M&A. However, many scandals and legal issues occurred recently rings our bells of the importance of corporate governance. Therefore, this paper emphasizes on the “Agency Problem” on the M&A transaction. Through the empirical evidences of this paper, we find out that the TSEC listed companies have higher stock premium than the OTC traded companies; and in the second year after M&A, the stock premium of TSEC listed companies occurred and performed better gradually; the more shares the managers of the acquiring firms owned, the less stock premium the acquiring firms would have after the M&A, and this conclusion proves the hubris hypothesis; and the final observation is the higher cost of capital the acquiring firm has, the more careful the manager will be while making his decision, and therefore lead to a more successful M&A result, and vice versa.


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