  • 學位論文


The structures of knowledge sharing networks among cardiac surgeons: A social networks analysis

指導教授 : 陳端容


組織內部之知識管理的策略與規劃為因應當前產業時代巨變的關鍵工作,尤其在攸關性命生死的醫療照護產業,此為需被正視的重大議題。知識管理與分享之議題在管理研究中比比皆是。然而,在公共衛生與醫學管理領域之研究中,多著重於如何利用實證醫學數據與臨床實驗資料提昇醫師的治療品質,少有研究聚焦在瞭解醫療照護人員如何透過組織成員之間的知識分享與交流,以協助提升個人在工作上的效率與成就表現。 故本研究使用社會網絡方法,進行問卷調查,分析195位台灣胸腔及心臟血管外科學會會員的知識分享網絡找出心臟外科醫師的個人特質、工作特質、專業特質,和他在所歸屬的知識分享網絡裡的重要性與網絡中心性(包括對內程度中心性、對外程度中心性、與中介中心性)的相關因素? 本研究的資料也清楚的顯示,台灣的心臟外科醫師的知識分享行為,可以用一個清晰的網絡結構來展現,每一位醫師在知識分享網絡所佔據的位置與其位置的重要性與影響力。在本研究的結果顯示:若是一位醫師有擔任越多大型學術會議的演講者的經驗,那他在網絡裡的程度中心性就會越高,就可以說明他在網絡裡的重要性就越大。相同的結果也顯示:一位醫師他擔任過國科會研究計畫的主持人經驗越多,那他的中介中心性就越高,也表示他在網絡裡面擁有越多的資源,他的引導資訊資源流通的機會也較多,亦即佔據了操縱資訊資源流通的關鍵性位置。 深入地去瞭解與分析心臟外科醫師的知識分享網絡結構,可以提供重要的洞見,去知道醫師與他的同儕和團隊成員之間的醫學理念、醫療知識、與相關手術程序的要領,是如何在醫師之間流通,近而塑造出每一個醫師在治療病人上的優異品質,也可以進一步去瞭解到知識是可以怎麼樣的去流動,以有效的克服醫師與醫師之間,也可能存在的資訊不對稱的問題,而去找到好的方法,來提昇全面醫師的操作品質與治療結果。 希望藉由本篇文章,能讓醫師、醫療機構管理者、與相關政策的研究者,瞭解到知識分享的優點與幫助,不僅僅可以在一般的管理學界造成廣大的迴響,其實在醫療專業人員這個行業,善用知識分享網絡的特色,努力在網絡中取得最重要、最具影響力、或是佔據操縱資訊資源流通的關鍵性位置,是可以幫助醫療專業人員提昇自己的醫療成就表現與醫療品質結果。


Physicians often rely on their colleagues to acquire technical information and specific advice about the cure of their patients. However, few articles discuss this phenomenon in the medical academia from a knowledge sharing perspective. This study examined how knowledge sharing networks were constructed among cardiovascular physicians in Taiwan. This study used Social Network Analysis to analyze survey data (N= 119, response rate=61%) and presented the knowledge sharing structures when they performed operations. Analysis of the knowledge sharing networks interactions was carried out by applying measures of the logistic regression model and the multiple regression model. The results show that the more the physicians have international conference keynote speakers experience, the more the physicians earn in-degree centrality scores. This analysis suggests that theses high in-degree centrality scores physicians have more power and influences inside the knowledge sharing networks. The results also show that the more the physicians have national research projects leader experience, the more the physicians earn betweenness centrality scores. This analysis also suggests that theses high betweenness centrality scores physicians have more power to promote and dominate the chance of the transmission of correct and competitive medical information inside the knowledge sharing networks. This study suggests that to improve clinical performance, senior administrators should undertake proactive efforts to coordinate knowledge sharing across physicians and connect these physicians groups to promote more rapid dissemination of useful knowledge.


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