  • 學位論文


A Study on the Development and State Practice of the International Regime of Shark Conservation and Management

指導教授 : 姜皇池


鯊魚作為海洋生物資源,其資源狀況由於人類過度與不負責任的漁撈活動而大量減損,在近年促成養護此等海洋生物資源之趨勢,而在此趨勢之中,又可分為國際法之層面與各國之國內實踐。 當前國際層面之鯊魚養護管理制度可分為兩大體系,其一係以漁業資源管理為出發點之《聯合國海洋法公約》與「聯合國糧農組織」所構成之制度;其二係以《瀕臨絕種野生動植物國際貿易公約》(簡稱《華盛頓公約》)為核心之條約體系,主要之目的在於保育生物資源。 此二體系形成之背景有所不同,且就海洋生物資源之管理亦互不重疊。惟此情形於2000年後有所改變,主要係由於《華盛頓公約》開始將原本專屬於糧農組織管轄之海洋生物資源列入其附件中加以保護。此一發展促成鯊魚養護的強化,而隨著相關非政府組織的推廣與宣傳,對於鯊魚資源之管理要求有逐漸增強之趨勢。 在此發展之現狀下,國際社會之成員當然必須做出因應之道,其中又以消費鯊魚產品的國家所受之衝擊尤其強烈,而在各種鯊魚產品中,又以「魚翅」之消費咸認係鯊魚資源遭到過度捕撈之元兇。而台灣則明列全球鯊魚捕撈國之前五名,在保護鯊魚的趨勢之下亦承受相當之壓力。台灣方面除了對於特定鯊魚物種之保育計畫以外,亦已立法規範捕撈鯊魚之行為。


Sharks are considered to be a marine living resource, and as a resource, it has suffered from over fishing and irresponsible fishing activities from human use. Such activities leading to stock diminish and fisheries collapse. In recent years, this situation has drawn concerns and a trend of conservation and management have arisen. Such a trend can be viewed in both international law levels and domestic regulations. The conservation and management of sharks in international law can be divided into two categories, namely the regime of fisheries management consisting of the United Nations Law of the Sea and the Food and Agriculture Organization, and the regime of the CITES Convention, which focuses on the conservation of biology diversity and prevention of extinction. The two regimes formerly had no connection until the CITES Convention added several marine species into its appendix, such species were solely managed by the FAO, and this development resulted in a growth and strengthen in fishery management regulations, which is further enhanced by actions taken by non-governmental organizations. In the light of this development, the international community must adopt to some changes, several countries that have traditionally consumed shark products, such as shark fins, are heavily impacted. Taiwan is a top shark catcher in the world fisheries, therefore is subject to immense great political pressure, in turn Taiwan has begun the conservation of certain endangered shark species and implementation of domestic fishery regulations designed to protect sharks.


sharks conservation and management UNCLOS CITES


