  • 學位論文


Optimization of the thermal condition for processing hatchery waste eggs as meal for feed and measurement of its bioavailability for laying hens and young pigs

指導教授 : 魏恆巍


本研究之主旨為建立孵化場廢棄物之最佳化處理方法與條件,並建立評估指標反應模式。多方面的評估決定孵化場廢棄物最佳化的處理條件,並以此條件生產廢棄蛋蛋粉。接續評估廢棄蛋蛋粉作為蛋白質補充原料於產蛋雞與年輕豬隻飼料之應用參數與價值,最後添加於產蛋雞與保育豬飼料中,了解其應用價值。孵化場廢棄物由無精蛋、中止蛋、破殼失敗之雛雞與蛋殼組成,含有豐富的粗蛋白質與鈣。現行的掩埋與加熱煮沸等方法未能充分利用其豐富營養價值的特性。本研究以熱處理作為方法。試驗設計使用中心複合設計。以加熱時間與溫度建構蛋白質體外消化率、乾物質、電能、粗蛋白質、真蛋白質、沙門氏菌與大腸桿菌之反應模式。以最高的蛋白質體外消化率作為主要訴求,乾物質87%與較低的電能消耗作為限制條件。當加熱溫度為65℃,加熱時間為23 h 時為此需求之最佳化處理條件。本研究共製作 16 批次廢棄蛋蛋粉,其組成為乾物質88.3%、粗蛋白質38.0%、灰分27.8%、脂肪21.5%、鈣與磷分別是14.5 與1.6%。使用性成熟雄蛋雞檢測廢棄蛋蛋粉之氮矯正表面代謝能為3378.4 kcal/kg。廢棄蛋蛋粉於蛋雞之能量、粗蛋白質、脂質、乾物質、鈣與磷之消化率,雌蛋雞之數據分別為為87.9、88.6、77.8、85.7、90.2 與62.5%;雄蛋雞分別為82.1、78.5、60.1、74.5、40.3 與37.2%。雌蛋雞之各項營養成份之消化率皆顯著高於雄蛋雞(P < 0.05);而廢棄蛋蛋粉於保育豬與生長豬之表面消化能分別為2629.1 與3637.4 kcal/kg。藉由外科手術將矽膠瘻管裝置於保育豬與生長豬迴腸末端,收集迴腸內容物計算迴腸可消化率。結果顯示,廢棄蛋蛋粉於保育豬之乾物質、粗蛋白質、脂質、鈣與磷之迴腸可消化率分別為55.3、36.3、58.0、55.1 與60.3%;而生長豬各項營養成份之迴腸可消化率皆顯著高於保育豬者(P < 0.05),分別為90.5、87.5、86.8、77.2 與75.3%。廢棄蛋蛋粉之產蛋雞試驗由 100 隻、23 週齡海蘭品系來亨蛋雞逢機平均分入五組。對照組為含魚粉2%,其餘四組分別為添加廢棄蛋蛋粉0、4、8 或12%。試驗結果廢棄蛋蛋粉對產蛋雞之產蛋性能與蛋品質並未有負面的影響。凡添加廢棄蛋蛋粉之組別,蛋殼強度顯著高於2%魚粉組與未添加組別。品評試驗之結果顯示,添加廢棄蛋蛋粉之組別平均有3%的人查覺異味,但認為該味道不影響風味,對照組查覺異味的比例為3.3%。另一方面保育豬試驗添加4%廢棄蛋蛋粉配製飼糧。與對照組、2%血漿蛋白添加組進行比較。試驗結果顯示各組之間生長性能並沒有顯著差異(P > 0.05)。免疫表現方面,廢棄蛋蛋粉添加組之血漿與腸道黏膜IgA 之濃度顯著高於對照組(P <0.05)。小腸絨毛性狀在各處理間並無顯著差異。總而言之,本研究建立孵化場廢棄物處理為廢棄蛋蛋粉之反應模式,可依不同之需求產生最佳化之處理條件組合。以最高的蛋白質體外消化率、87%乾物質與較低的電能消耗作為最佳化之參數。經過產品品質最佳化後生產之廢棄蛋蛋粉添加12%於產蛋雞飼糧,對其本身、產蛋性能與蛋的品質皆無負面影響,而在蛋殼強度有正面的增進。應用於豬隻,生長豬較保育豬能充分利用廢棄蛋蛋粉之營養成份。於保育豬添加4%廢棄蛋蛋粉對其生長並未有負面的影響,血漿與腸道黏膜IgA 濃度提升可降低大腸桿菌可能之影響,且不影響腸道絨毛之性狀。此結果可作為未來處理孵化場廢棄物與應用廢棄蛋蛋粉之參考。


The purpose of this study is to establish the optimal treatment methods and conditions of hatchery waste eggs and to build a response model with the evaluation factors. Hatchery waste egg meal can be produced by determining the optimal processing conditions of hatchery waste eggs according to the evaluation muti-factors. The application value of hatchery waste egg meal as a protein supplement feedstuff is evaluated. And finally feed to laying hens and weanling pigs for their effects on production or growth performance and the quality of their products. Hatchery waste eggs contain the infertile eggs, dead embryos in shell, dead or low grade chicks, and contains high amounts of protein and calcium. Composted and boiled for current disposal methods, failed to achieve the hatchery waste eggs properties of high nutritional value. Heat treatment, as in this study, experiment design using central composite design, constructing the model of heating time and temperature in vitro digestibility of protein and dry matter, energy, crude protein and true protein, amount of Salmonella and Escherichia coli. The optimize processing conditions with the highest in vitro protein digestibility whose main appeal, Dry matter 87% and low energy consumption as a limiting condition. When the heating temperature is 65℃, heating time at 23 h meet the optimize processing conditions. This study has produced 16 batches hatchery waste egg meal, dry matter, content 88.3%; crude protein content of 38.0%; ash 27.8%; fat 21.5%; calcium and phosphorus are 14.5 and 1.6%. The cockerel was used to detect hatchery waste egg meal apparent metabolizable energy corrected to nitrogen equilibrium of laying hens to 3378.4 kcal/kg. Detecting digestibility of hatchery waste egg meal of energy, crude protein, lipid, dry matter, calcium and phosphorus, respectively, of the laying hen to 87.9, 88.6, 77.8, 85.7, 90.2 and 62.5%, while the cockerel was 82.1, 78.5, 60.1, 74.5, 40.3 and 37.2%. The digestibility of nutrients of the laying hen is significantly higher than the cockerel (P < 0.05); Apparent digestible energy of hatchery waste egg meal in weanling pig and growing pig were 2629.1 and 3637.4 kcal/kg. Silicone post-valve T-ileum through surgical devices in weanling pig and growing pig the end of the ileum, collected digests to detect the nutrient of ileal digestibility. Results showed that hatchery waste egg meal in weanling pig of dry matter, crude protein, lipids, calcium and phosphorus ileal digestibility was 55.3, 36.3, 58.0, 55.1 and 60.3%; The growing pig of dry matter, crude protein, lipid, calcium and phosphorus ileal digestibility is significantly higher than that of weanling pig (P < 0.05), respectively 90.5, 87.5, 86.8, 77.2 and 75.3%. A total of 100 Single Comb Leghorn Hy-line strain laying hens, 23 weeks of age, were randomly divided into five groups. The control group was fed 2% fishmeal and the feed of the other four groups was supplemented with 0, 4, 8, and 12% hatchery waste egg meal. The nitrogen content, apparent metabolizable energy corrected to nitrogen equilibrium, and calcium content were equal for each group. The duration of the trial was 18 weeks. The results showed no significant differences in body weight, egg production rate, egg weight, feed intake, feed efficiency, and egg quality among the various test groups (P > 0.05). However, supplementation with hatchery waste egg meal resulted in significantly greater eggshell strength (P < 0.05). Moreover, the results of sensory analysis revealed that only 3% of the subjects might have aware the taste of peculiar smell, although this did not seem to affect acceptance. Finally, diets containing spray-dried porcine plasma 2%, hatchery waste egg meal 4% or non-animal protein (control) were given to weanling pigs weighing at 10 kg. When body weights reached 20 kg the pigs were sacrificed to determine the concentration of immunoglobulins in plasma or intestine and the villus structure of small intestine. Their growth performance was recorded as well. Results showed that no significant differences existed in growth performances between groups. Pig fed the diet containing spray-dried porcine plasma exhibited higher concentration in plasma IgG and IgM compared with the control and HWEM groups. IgA concentration in plasma and intestine was raised significantly in the spray-dried porcine plasma and hatchery waste egg meal group. As for villus height, villus area and depth of crypt, no significant differences were observed between those groups. All in all, this study to establish response patterns hatchery waste eggs for the hatchery waste egg meal depending on demand to optimize processing conditions. With the highest protein in vitro digestibility, dry matter87% and lower power consumption as a parameter optimization. After product quality optimized production hatchery waste egg meal add 12% in laying hen diet, on its own, no negative impact on laying performance and the quality of eggs, eggshell strength had positive promotion. the growing pig had better digestibility of nutrition than weanling pig. Add 4% hatchery waste egg meal in weanling pig diet not have a negative impact on its growth performance and can improve intestinal mucosal and plasma IgA concentration, without affecting the character of the intestinal villus structure. The results can be used as a reference for future treatment and application of hatchery waste egg meal.


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