  • 學位論文


The resarch of Southern Song frontier fortress poems of Yue-Fu

指導教授 : 黃奕珍


本文將南宋舊題邊塞樂府詩置於邊塞詩與樂府詩兩種發展脈絡下加以觀照,釐清南宋詩作在主題、寫法的承衍,並就當時社會環境、歷來擬作傳統、文人詩學見解等方面,探究其背後之成因。 第一章首先梳理舊題邊塞樂府詩由漢迄宋的流變情形,確立舊題邊塞樂府詩的義界:以樂府舊題為標準,並指涉邊塞題材之詩作;再整理宋代邊塞詩及樂府詩的相關文獻資料,作為本文研究的基礎。 第二章採取偏重邊塞詩的視角,考察南宋舊題邊塞樂府詩中書寫題材的特殊性。本文發現,選用舊題樂府體裁的詩作與其他邊塞詩作表現的主題共性明顯不同,舊題樂府邊塞詩更為突出相近題材的折衝與頡頏,表現出更為全面的觀照視角。 第三章偏向以樂府詩的角度,探究南宋舊題邊塞樂府詩對前人樂府寫法有何繼承與開拓。儘管南宋舊題樂府詩作大抵視以前人樂府為參考對象,作詩基本上襲改前人作法,根據自己的主觀目的之別,尋繹最為適合的寫作方式。 綜上可知,南宋舊題邊塞樂府詩不僅對邊塞主題內容有所開拓,對樂府詩傳統筆法亦有所繼承與改良,在詩歌發展史上無疑占有一席之位。


This article discusses Southern Song frontier fortress poems of Yue-Fu in the context of frontier fortress poem and Yue-fu, so as to analyze how the poems in Southern Song inherited the topic and methods of writing of the past and evolved from which. Factors Involved include social environment, traditional model, and view of the poet. In the first chapter, the author reviews the development of Southern Song frontier fortress poems of Yue-Fu from the Han Dynasty to Southern Song, to define the scope of the study: poems with yue fu title whose content feature frontier fortress. Then a literature review on relevant papers was conducted as the theoretical foundation of this study. In the second chapter, the view of frontier Fortress poem is first adopted to observe the characteristics of topic. The result indicates that although the poets used the style of Yue-fu , the topic they wrote was different from other frontier fortress poems, as the poems further highlight the contradiction with their counterparts and give light to a more macro perspective. In the third chapter, the view of Yue-Fu is adopted to study how Southern poets imitated or improved the method of writing based on the Yue-Fu tradition. Despite the fact that Southern Poets inherited the tradition of writing in the majority of cases,, they still made attempts on different methods of writing in the view of other opinion to identify the most suitable methods of writing. In conclusion , Southern Song frontier fortress Poems of Yue-Fu not only widen the topic of frontier fortress poems, but also improve the methods of writing of the Yue-Fu tradition, which, without a doubt, reach a milestone in the history of poems.


