  • 學位論文


The Rise And Fall of The Commercial Radio Stations under The Party-State System during The Martial Law Period in Taiwan (1952-1987)

指導教授 : 周婉窈


戒嚴時期國民黨政府限制媒體發展,卻有二十多家民營廣播,無法像黨軍公營電臺受到政府挹注資源扶植,須仰賴廣告收入,製播能吸引社會大眾的娛樂節目,使用臺語播音爭取人口多數的本省籍聽眾。在國民黨政府推動國語運動壓制台語的有限空間下,民營廣播是深入基層、傳播台灣語言文化的重要媒體。 本文從1952年至1987年臺灣民營廣播的興衰歷程,透過「黨國管制」、「娛樂傳播」、「黨外運動」三面向,探討不同時期民營廣播受到的黨國控制樣態,及民營廣播傳播台語藝文節目情形,呈現戒嚴時期民營廣播對台灣語言文化傳播的重要性。依黨國管制政策與廣播事業主管機關更迭,民營廣播興衰可分為四階段:反共心戰宣傳下草創(1952年-1960年)、黨國加強管制下發展(1961年-1967年)、中華文化復興運動下衰退(1968年-1973年)、民主浪潮下緊縮與解禁(1974年-1987年)。1950年代民營廣播因國民黨政府「對中共心戰」而得以增設,成立者均有黨政軍特背景,草創階段面臨戰後經濟蕭條,1950年代末期隨著綜合節目明星制風行、唱片技術革新,民營廣播成為台語歌曲傳播重要管道。1960年代民營廣播一面受到警備總部種種加強管制,一面因工業化帶來的廣告需求大增而蓬勃發展,以臺語歌曲、廣播劇、廣播歌仔戲等台語節目風靡聽眾。這時期國民黨政府以行政命令與「事後審查」,無法全面管制查禁歌曲,許多遭查禁的台語歌仍有機會透過民營電台傳播到社會上。1968年至1973年教育部文化局主管廣播事業期間,國民黨政府因應退出聯合國的外交困境、統治正當性危機,大力推動「中華文化復興運動」,是民營廣播從榮景轉而衰微的關鍵期,逐漸限縮為「以國語為主要播音語言」的黨國傳聲筒。1974-1987年新聞局以《廣播電視法》等事先審查,緊縮台語在民營廣播的生存空間,同時,黨外民主運動蓬勃發展,民營廣播受黨國控制成為助選傳聲筒,黨外人士將廣播受到黨國控制、台語受到壓制列為共同政見,解嚴後透過修法逐步解除黨國對民營廣播的控制。


黨國體制 台語 禁歌 廣播劇 媒體控制


The KMT (Kuo Min Tang) government limited the development of the media under KMT party-state system during the martial law period in Taiwan. However, there were more than twenty commercial radio stations at that time. They were not supported by the KMT government such as the party-owned radio(Broadcasting Corporation of China, BCC),the army-owned radio, and the government-owned radio.These commercial radio stations depended on advertisement incomes so they made Taiwanese culture programs to attract most listeners using Taiwanese Hokkien. When the KMT government promoted Mandarin to suppress Taiwanese Hokkien, the commercial radio stations were the important media to disseminate Taiwanese culture to the public deeply. The purpose of this study was to investigate the rise and fall of the commercial radio stations under KMT party-state system in Taiwan from1952 to1987.This study explored three topics : KMT party-state system how to control the commercial radio stations, the commercial radio stations how to disseminate Taiwanese culture, and interactions between the commercial radio stations and the Tangwai movement(黨外運動).I used many first-hand files to discuss the commercial radio stations were controlled by KMT party-state system. In the three parts of the thesis, I compared the variation of the commercial radio stations during the martial law period in Taiwan. In the first part, I discussed the political environment to make the KMT government limited open the commercial radio stations to oppose the Psychological Warfare of Communist Party of China in 1950s. I found all the owners of the commercial radio stations have KMT or the political background. And I discussed the integrated-star programs and the improvement of LP technology influenced more and more Taiwanese culture programs in commercial radio stations in the late 1950s. Second, I discussed the commercial radio stations on one hand how to face the Taiwan Garrison Command(警備總部) which strengthened the control ,on the other hand how to make many attractive programs about Taiwanese songs, broadcasting Taiwanese drama, and broadcasting Taiwanese opera to increase advertisement incomes in the industrialization period in 1960s. I found the KMT government used the executive order and the post review system at the period to control the commercial radio stations so that forbidden songs still could broadcast to the public by the commercial radios. Third, I discussed Chinese Culture Renaissance Movement how to restrict the commercial radio stations to Mandarin gradually to suppress Taiwanese Hokkien from 1968 to 1973.Because of being the loudhailer of the KMT government, the commercial radio stations declined at this time. Finally, I discussed the Government Information Office, Executive Yuan (行政院新聞局) established the Prior review system such as Radio and Television Act to inhibit Taiwanese Hokkien in the programs of the commercial radio stations from 1974 to 1987. At the same time the Tangwai movement(黨外運動)spread fast. I discussed the commercial radio stations how to help broadcast the KMT candidates in the Taiwan supplementary elections. The members of the Tangwai movement broke KMT control the commercial radio stations through the Taiwan supplementary elections.


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