  • 學位論文


Flipping Urban Blue Print? The Dynamics of Creativity-led Urban Policy and Higher Education Innovation in Regenerating the Old Town of Tainan

指導教授 : 黄舒楣


本研究在觀察台南近年來公部門與民間對『文創產業』的推崇,『文創空間』在地方城市陸續蔓延的局勢下,欲了解到底是什麼引力驅使這股文創熱潮在台南舊城翻轉起來,甚至看似有意無意地將台南舊城推向文創化都市發展。『文創』一詞,在台灣發生得很迅速,實質上中央、學術乃至民間都無法對其有很好的詮釋,落到地方城市實行文創政策時,面對這模糊不清的產業範疇,地方行動者是如何應對並營運? 在台南,都市文創化的趨勢並非因應中央或地方政府一聲令下所展開,除了見公部門在地方陸續舉起文創的大旗,大力推動文創產業、老屋再生補助政策,其中還牽動了學術部門與私部門的參與,如學術部門成大擔起了部分台南文創育成工作,台南當地也有很強的文化團體與重視老屋保存的民眾。地方政府在順應環境(如民眾對地方的再生行動和學術部門對文創的熱烈討論)與中央政策的推行下,開始努力推展相關閒置空間、老舊街區再生與文創產業發展的行動。為了更有效執行『文創』政策,公部門嘗試做組織的調整,如設立『文創發展科』以利地方和中央的對話;成大高教創新組織的設立,如成大文創育成與研發中心的成立;以及地方文創產業興起,陸續出現許多文創工作者,進而開啟了台南公部門、學術部門與私部門在老屋/閒置空間再利用和文創產業推動議題上的密切合作。 本研究提出以『都市政策/城市空間的文創化』與『不同部門參與都市文創化發展的相互為謀』之議題,探討台南舊城區自中央開始推出『閒置空間再利用』與『文創政策』以來,在不同勢力、經驗過程下,台南當地閒置空間如何被改造為所謂的文創空間,並進而了解其經營狀況和公部門、學術部門與私部門在其中的功能角色。 本研究藉由台南三座文創園區/聚落——臺南文創產業園區、321巷藝術聚落、藍晒圖文創園區的形構歷程與現況為例,說明在公部門、學術部門與私部門互動經驗下,文創園區/聚落如何被形成,三方行動者的參與對個別文創園區/聚落造成什麼影響。從中可見,公部門、學術部門、私部門在不同立場下,將深深影響三方之間的互動關係、(文創園區/聚落)空間經營的模式與其執行內容的取向。最後,本研究以藍晒圖文創園區作為核心場域,討論『閒置空間』再利用為『文創空間』的演變歷程、文創空間的出現對文創產業和工作者有何幫助,以及當中所面對的矛盾與問題、從文創空間的經營看見公部門對文創育成工作的缺乏,身為學術部門在其中又將造成何種輔助與作用力。


Based on participant-observation of the efforts of different sectors promoted “Creative Industry” policy and the spread of “Creative Space” in old town of Tainan in recent years, the author wants to explore what’s the power which drove the dynamics of creativity-led urban in old town of Tainan. The term of “Creativity” has taken place too fast in Taiwan. In fact, there is no accurate definition of “Creativity” from government, academic, and even the private sectors. How do the local actors respond and operate when facing this ambiguous industry category? The dynamics of creativity-led urban in old town of Tainan has involved the government, academic and private sectors’ participation. Complied with central government’s policy and local environmental conditions (ex. public action in regenerating the old town of Tainan), local government strive to promote the regeneration of idle space and historic district, and the development of creative industry in Tainan. For the purpose of effective implement of the creative policy, government sector tried to reorganize their original organization; academic sector founded CCIRDC which in charge of the partial work of incubation of creative industries in Tainan; and the increase in the number of local creative industries and workers, triggering the Government-Industry-University cooperation in the issues of regeneration of old town and development of creative industries in Tainan. Based on the central government policies (The regeneration of Idle Space & Creative Industries), the author proposed the issues of "The Dynamics of Creativity-led Urban Policy and Space" and "Different Sectors’ Participation in Creativity-led Urban " to explore how the local “Idle Space” in Tainan has been transformed into the so-called “Creative Space”, and then to understand its operating status and the connection/functional roles of government, academic and private sectors under different forces and experiences in Tainan. The author took three “Creative Park/Settlements” as examples—— Tainan Creative Industrial Park, 321 Lane Art settlements, and Blue Print Creative Park, illustrating how the “Creative Park/Settlements” be constituted, and the influences of the participation of government, academic and private sectors in individual creative park/settlements. The study demonstrated that different views from different sectors will deeply influence interaction between three sectors, mode of management, and orientation of executable content of the creative park/settlements. Finally, the author focused on “Blue Print Creative Park” to discuss the evolution of “Idle Space” to “Creative Space”, to know how the creative space will help the creative workers and the development of creative industries, to understand contradictions and problems they might face. We could see the lack of government cultivation in operating creative space, and how the academic sector will serve as the auxiliary and impetus in the incubation work of creative industry.


天空部落<雲海龍吟>(https://tn87504033.tian.yam.com/posts/38052368) 話說府城運河與星鑽計畫(2011年5月7日)
