  • 學位論文


Optimal Strategy in Sharing Economy Platform with Consideration of Revenue-Sharing Contract

指導教授 : 黃奎隆




共享經濟 平台 供需配對


With the popularity of the internet and mobile devices, the transmission of information becomes quick and conveniently. In recent year, the "Sharing Economy" trend has risen, its core concept isto sharethe idle asset with the people whoneed, so that canreduce the waste and create business opportunities. Due to technological innovation,the applications about the concept of sharing economy are become more various,that providers and demander can be matched more conveniently and efficiently.Therefore, new models to describe the interaction between platform, supplier and demander are essential.This research want to maximize the profit of the sharing economy platform,then the supply and demand will affect theprofit. This research presents a two-phase setting model, where the first phase is purchase phase and the second phase is the sharing phase, and finds the optimal solutions for the rental price, commission and profit in first and second phase.In this research, it is found that when the rental price is between 0.7 and 0.75 of the market price, it will bring about turning point in the profit of the platform, and found that rental price and commissions too high or too low cannot produce the highest profit.


sharing economy platform supply-demand match


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