  • 學位論文


Learning-by-Exporting: Evidence from Chinese manufacturing Industry

指導教授 : 劉碧珍


本文使用傾向分數配對法(propensity score matching)與差異中之差異估計法(difference-in-difference),檢驗2000~2007 年中國製造業是否具有出口學習的現象。本文除檢驗企業加入出口後是否會提高生產力(亦即出口學習效果)外,也探討不同所有權(國營、外資以及合資或私人企業)、生產力是否優於產業平均值、不同企業規模的出口學習效果有何差異。本文發現,在中國的製造商的確有顯著的出口學習效果,加入出口後的第2 年生產力平均高於未出口企業35.1%,且差距隨著出口時間繼續增加,第3 年生產力平均高於未出口企業的比率上升為36.4%,直到第5 年時生產力差距來到38.4%。此外本文也發現出口學習效果主要發生在合資或私人企業、生產力低於樣本平均值的企業、大型規模(人數介於50 與250 之間)的企業,至於其他型態的企業則只有部分或是沒有顯著的出口 學習效果。


Whether exporters become more productive once they start exporting, which is referred to as the learning-by-exporting effect (LBE), has been an issue attracting much attention in the literature of productivity. However, no consensus has been reached regarding whether there exists LBE. This paper uses Chinese manufacturing firm-level data from 2000 to 2007 to reexamine the LBE effect. By using propensity score matching technique and difference in difference approach, this paper shows significant LBE effects after 2 years of exporting (productivity gains is 35.1% in the second year of exporting) and the LBE effects increasing steadily. After 5 years of exporting the productivity gains is 38.4%. This paper also shows that not all types of firms experience the LBE effects. In fact, firms experiencing productivity gains after exporting are those with private or joint-venture ownership, low-performing firms with productivity above sample average, and firms with large-sized scale of production (with employees above 250).


Learning by Exporting


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