  • 學位論文


An Empirical Analysis of the Disgorgement of Short Swing Profits of the Securities Exchange Act- Focusing on the Constitutive Elements and Judicial procedure

指導教授 : 曾宛如


證券交易法第157條所規定之短線交易歸入權,立法至今已逾40年。學界在存廢論以及構成要件之研究上,均已累積的豐富的成果。本文則跳脫比較法之框架,嘗試以實證研究之觀點,藉由判決研究,試圖找出實務界與學界之意見有無落差,並對於訴訟程序相關之司法實務問題,做初探性之了解。 本文以司法院資料庫所蒐集之判決為主,搜尋所有提及證交法第157條之判決後,並進行判決研究。在構成要件上,本文分就適用主體、適用客體、適用行為、利益計算,以及其他爭議五個面向作探討。研究結果顯示,學界關心之焦點,僅有利益計算問題較常出現在判決當中;適用主體之問題以較為技術性、細節性之議題為主;適用行為之範疇實際上由主管機關決定,而法院僅做事實認定之工作;適用客體與其他爭議均處於萌芽階段,仍值得吾人觀察。 在我國之司法實務運作下,原告起訴主張歸入被告之短線獲利,不僅勝訴機率極高,所請求之金額也多半能被法院完全肯認;判決鮮少在舉證之問題上有特殊見解;投保團體在短線交易歸入權之執行上佔有重要角色,但法院對於代位受領之解釋恐妨礙投保團體克竟全功。 立基於實證研究之結果,本文對於短線交易歸入權之週邊制度、構成要件、以及制度實踐上均做出了建議。週邊制度上,本文認為,我國雖有內部人持股申報制度,以及內部人持股轉讓限制之規定,但若無具有公權力協助之投保團體介入,公司或股東均難以向內部人請求歸入短線獲利。此外,本文對於內部人之配偶、未成年子女,與利用他人持股之規定,也提出了修法建議;構成要件上,本文主張制定授權條款,令主管機關有更大的權限處理以妥適處理適用客體、適用行為之議題;關於利益計算除明文授權主管機關可將利益計算之細節以行政命令訂立外,本文另建議於法條明文直接宣示採用「最高賣價減最低買價法」,作為歸入利益計算之方式;針對適用主體之議題,本文主張法人董監之相關疑義可比照學界見解進行修正,有關董監認定以及影子董事之議題,由於實踐所需之配合制度設計較為困難,若公司法將影子董事之規定修法納入後,證交法可取法其經驗進行規範本身以及周邊制度之修正與建立工作。其他議題上本文並不認為現今有急迫之修正必要;執行機制上,我國以投保中心為核心,結合相關單位之協助,發展出有別美國法之「公益色彩之私人執行模式」。此機制運作上成效極佳,未來之修法應以維持制度為中心,並修法增訂投保團體代位受領歸入利益之權限。


The history of the disgorgement of short swing profits of the securities exchange act in Taiwan has been over 40 years. There are many articles discussing the abolishment of the rule and the design of the constitutive requirement; however, empirical analysises are relatively lacked. As a result, this article will try to make up for this probem, reviewing the constitutive requirement of the disgorgement of short swing profits and related litigation procedure through empirical methods. I use the judicial yuan of the ROC law and regulations retrieving system to find out 31 court opinions. After reading and documenting all of these opinions, I use these information to analyze five dimensions of the disgorgement of short swing profits: subjects, objects, action, profits calculating, and others. The result of the research suggests what scholars discuss and argue frequently can hardly be found in court opinions, except for profits calculating issues. However, there is still some phenomenon worthes deeper researching. When it comes to litigation, plaintiffs of the disgorgement of the short-swing profits cases have high winning percentages for their claims. Still the recovery rate is also pretty high. Beside, Securities and Futures Investors Protection Center definitely plays an important role in executing of the disgorgement of the short-swing profits, but some court opinios might weaken the power of it. Empowering the agency to make regulation is my main suggestion against the constitutive requirement. When it comes to the execution of the disgorgement of the short-swing profits, I think maintaining current system, and revised related law to give more power to Securities and Futures Investors Protection Center may be a suitable way for Taiwan. Other issues are also discussed in this article.


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