  • 學位論文


A Study on the Vertical Coordination of the Grouper Aquaculture Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陸雲
共同指導教授 : 陸怡蕙


近十五年來台灣石斑魚養殖產業急遽發展,因具地理特性與氣候環境等良好的養殖條件,以及卓越的石斑繁養殖技術作為根基。但由於產業的大幅擴增,而產生如石斑魚病變、自然環境惡化及市場拓展行銷等問題須面對與處理。此外,我國現有的石斑魚產銷組織模式已行之多年,但東南亞各國相繼加入養殖石斑魚的行列,石斑魚既有的交易模式在現今的劇烈變化下,已逐漸出現問題。 因此本研究將透過組織經濟學理論,分析台灣石斑魚產業的組織架構、交易關係及成員間的協調關係。以成魚養殖業者做為主軸,分析產業內的垂直協調關係,並發現問題。希望能從改善石斑魚產業內的垂直協調關係,來提高產業整體的收益以及增加其發展性。 分析結果顯示:成魚養殖業者與其上下游業者的交易關係存在著相關問題,這些問題會造成各成員之間的相關成本上升;首先,成魚養殖業者與中間育成場業者的交易關係為透過仲介商的三方交易結構,因三方交易結構相當適合雙方的交易頻率與資產特性,因此目前的交易結構,已能替交易雙方節省大量的交易成本;而從養殖業者與飼料業者的分析上則發現,目前雙方之間存在著許多的不確定性與投機問題;而在成魚養殖業者與運銷業者的交易關係上來看,運銷業者的寡占與擁有資訊較多的優勢,對於養殖業者造成一定程度的傷害,目前的交易關係是相當有利於運銷業者的;最後在本研究所分析的分析結果顯示,除了部分已採用三方交易結構模式的業者可繼續保持現有的交易關係,其餘以市場交易結構的交易關係,因普遍存在高度不確定性與投機行為,相關業者必須付出較高的交易成本,確實有改善的空間。 最後本研究對於上述分析提出相關建議,希望能對石斑魚產業整合以及政府對於相關政策方向的制定提供建議,如整合性組織及新一代合作社等整合辦法,以改善石斑魚產業的垂直協調關係。


Over the pastfifteen years, the grouper aquaculture industry in Taiwan has undergone rapid development. This progress is due, not only to the geographic and climate conditions;but alsoto the excellent grouper aquaculture technology in Taiwan. However, because of the significant amplification of the grouper industry, the occurrences of grouper disease, environmental degradation and marketing problems constitute the major challenges the grouper industry is currently facing. Moreover, althoughthemarketing and production organizationmode has been conducted in Taiwan for many years, the Southeast Asian countries joining the grouper industry have caused problems forthe local industry to maintain its competitiveness in the international market. Motivated from the above observations, this study attempts to analyzethe coordination relationship among Taiwan grouper industry in the context of organizational economics.The analytic results suggest that there are some embedded problems in the coordination of upstream and downstream of grouper aquaculture industry. We summarized our main findings as follows. First of all, given the stylized fact that brokersmediate the trade between grouperproducers and middle breeding firms, the tripartite trading structure is suitable in terms of the trading frequency and asset characteristics of both parties. This is why sticking to the current structure of the transaction will lead to lower transaction costs for both parties. On the other hand, we find that the trading relationship betweenthe grouper producers and the feed supplierscreates uncertainties and speculative issues. From the view of trading relationship betweenthe marketing firms and grouper suppliers, the analytic results further suggest that although the oligopolistic is to the advantage of the marketing firms in terms of information gathering; this could have been harming the grouper producers which are relatively much less informed. Finally, the existing transaction structures are found to have high degrees of uncertainty and speculation, and thus have leaded to high transaction costs in the vertical coordination of the industry. As a result, some of the existing transaction structures need to be adjusted for future development of the grouper aquaculture industry in Taiwan.


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