  • 學位論文


Studies on the Chemical Constituents from Tradescantia albiflora Kunth

指導教授 : 郭悅雄


白花水竹草 (Tradescantia albiflora Kunth ) ,為直立或匍匐性的多年草,原產於北美與南美,1975年間從法國引進台灣。白花水竹草具有降低血中尿酸的功能,並有抗氧化的效果。 本論文為研究白花水竹草的化學成分,先以甲醇浸泡得到萃取物,利用矽膠管柱層析、矽膠薄層層析、高效液相層析 (HPLC) 及再結晶等方法進行分離純化。純化後得的化合物,再利用氫核磁共振圖譜、碳核磁共振圖譜、紅外線光譜與質譜來推測結構。若推測的結構,經化學資料庫查詢為已知化合物,則比較文獻確定其結構;若為新化合物,則以二維核磁共振圖譜 (2D-NMR) 及高解析質譜的輔助,來進行結構的鑑定。 本實驗共鑑定得到40個化合物,分類為: 一、醯胺類 ( Amides ) 化合物2個 二、維他命A代謝物類 ( Apocarotenoids ) 化合物7個 三、芳香族類 ( Aromatics ) 化合物13個 四、葉綠素類 ( Chlorophylls ) 化合物1個 五、類黃酮類 ( Flavonoids ) 化合物1個 六、固醇類 ( Steroids ) 化合物7個 七、三萜類 (Triterpenoids) 化合物2個 八、其他類 ( Others ) 化合物7個 其中有3個新化合物。


Tradescantia albiflora Kunth is a species of spiderwort. In the past it was considered an invasive species or pest plant and was consequently targeted for eradication. Recently, it was found T. albiflora can decrease the level of blood uric acid. The whole plants of of T. albiflora were extrated with methanol. The extract was concentrated in vacuo to yield the residue which was suspended in water, and then partitioned with ethyl acetate. The ethyl acetate layer was separated by column chromatography on silica gel, preparative thin layer chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to obtain 40 compounds, including 2 amides, 7 apocarotenoids, 13 aromatics, 1 chlorophyll, 1 flavonoid, 7 steroids, 2 triterpenoids and 7 other compounds. Among them, 3 compound are new compounds. The known compounds were identified by spectral analysis and compared with those reported in literatures or from authentic samples. The structures of new compounds were elucidated by spectral evidence including 1D and 2D NMR techniques.


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