  • 學位論文


The Policy of Disarmament Under The PRC’s New Security Concept

指導教授 : 丁守中
共同指導教授 : 李炳南(Bing-nan Li)


中共建政以來,截至2005年結束,經歷過十次裁軍,但中共的裁軍在江澤民時期開始進行所謂的「精兵之路」,在人員、裝備、指揮機關上做充分調整與精簡,卻同時將裝備汰舊換新,並且提高部隊幹部素質,更在多方面招收新血。面對種種作為,在對照中共強調多邊合作之「新安全觀」與「和平發展」,如此政策是否向中共本身所言的正常且美好,抑或如外部資料所顯示有許多隱藏目的,未可得知。本論文即以新安全觀下的中共精兵政策為主軸,進行比較與分析 本論文係以戰略研究為途徑,並藉由決策研究法、文獻分析法和比較研究法來處理新安全觀下中共精兵政策的問題。就本論文的架構而言,分為緒論、本論和結論三大部分,本論部份,首先由第貳章中國大陸新安全觀的構成背景探討起;爾後,第参章與第肆章,藉由跨時和跨地的比較分析方法之研究,針對中共在冷戰後安全環境的變動,對於自身的安全觀做出調整,並且在戰爭型態進入信息化戰爭的趨勢之中,而實行的精兵之路;最後,第伍章藉由前章探討中共新安全觀下精兵政策的動因與作為的部份,對其提出評估,並釐清精兵是否單純意謂和平之舉與對台灣安全防衛之影響。 總括而言,本論文認為中共靈活運用「新安全觀」以求區域安全、經濟發展穩定,並藉中共「新軍事變革」推動以信息化為核心的精兵之路,而裁軍為精兵之路的彈性策略作為。在不否定傳統安全觀下,與非傳統安全觀一起進行研究,並且以此為基礎,將裁軍作為帶入,以新安全觀的角度研究中共的精兵政策,因此主題為「新安全觀下的中共精兵政策」。希冀在學術研究上提供思考


The People’s Republic of China has carried out disarmaments for ten times since her founding. Though the disarmament of mainland China, the so called “fewer but better troops” policy since Jiang Zemin’s incumbency, has adjusted and downsized her personnel, apparatus, and command institutions in full, the country has been renewing her apparatus, uplifting the quality of the cadre, and recruiting new soldiers widely at the same time. With regard to many actions by mainland China and in contrast to “the New Security Concept” and “the Peaceful Development” of “the Multilateral Cooperation” emphasized by the Chinese government, whether the policy is as normal as what the Chinese government has claimed to be, which bears no influence, or whether it is true as what many exterior resources have shown, that there are a lot of purposes hidden behind, the answer is unknown. Featuring “the Disarmament Policy of the Chinese Government under New Security Concept”, the essay does comparisons and analyses on it. The essay adopts “the study of strategy” as an approach, dealing with the problem regarding the Disarmament Policy of the Chinese Government under the New Security Concept with research methods in policy decision, literature review method, and comparative method. In terms of the structure of the essay, it can be divided into three major parts: preface, text, and conclusion. Beginning with the discussion of the background which constitutes the New Security Concept in mainland China in its second chapter, the text then commends on, in chapter three and four, the adjustment of the security concept the Chinese government bears toward herself particularly in response to her changes in the Post Cold War Security environment, and “the fewer but better troops” disarmament policy she carries out following the trend of war forms going into information warfare, with the research of both longitudinal and interspatial contrastive analyses. Lastly, the fifth chapter, based on the discussion of the disarmament policy under the New Security Concept by the Chinese government in the previous chapter, evaluates its motivation and actions and clarifies the question whether the disarmament simply means a peaceful move and what are its effects on the defense of Taiwan. Generally speaking, the essay proposes that the Chinese government uses the New Security Concept flexibly in order to maintain her Regional Security and to mobilize the fewer but better troops policy, which centers on its informationalization and that her disarmament is a flexibility strategy of the fewer but better troops policy. Not denying the traditional Security Concept, the research is launched together with the Non-traditional Security Concept, and, taking this as its bases, the essay introduces the disarmament policy into its discussion as well, studying the disarmament policy of mainland China from the viewpoint of New Security Concept; therefore it is titled “the Disarmament Policy of the Chinese Government under New Security Concept”. Ideas given upon academic research are of its sincere concern.


朱蓓蕾,2003/11。〈全球化與中共安全觀:轉變與挑戰〉,《中國大陸研究》,第46卷第6期,頁 89。
Assessing the threat:the Chinese military and Taiwan’s security. Michael Swaine, Andrew
