  • 學位論文


Cloud Computing In Mobile Electronic Commerce: Real Esate Industry Case Study

指導教授 : 曹承礎


服務業目前在台灣已佔有GDP最大比例,而服務業之競爭型態伴隨時代演變而致競爭更趨白熱化,而其中科技演變就扮演了一個關鍵角色,特別是針對如連鎖服務業般大量運用資訊科技,不論是運用於前台服務POS機結帳,或是到後台CRM、庫存、物流等管理系統,科技降低管理難度與提昇服務品質,科技甚至提供我們用心服務讓客戶感動的機會。 在眾多科技演進中,行動上網及行動工具的普及徹底改變了人們的生活形態及服務業的遊戲規則,從Apple所引發的智慧手機及平板風潮更持續引領風騷,雲端運算之運用更擴大其可應用性,不論私有雲之建置或公有雲之運用,行動雲端正在引爆另一波產業革命。 在行動工具的運用其實在不動產經紀服務業已然推行多年,卻在行動工具服務客戶作展示介紹及客戶自主服務的部份一直無法有效推展,本研究期望提供企業在行動工具搭配雲端運算運用之評估參考,希望能探討企業未來運用之可行性及方向,同時以Porter之價值鏈、五力分析、一般性競爭策略、Adam M. Brandenburger, Barry J. Nalebuff 之價值網分析來研究個案公司之競爭優勢策略,並以Richard Foster 之S Curve來分析主流科技合宜之導入期,以研究IT如何扮演關鍵策略角色及企業如何運用資訊科技維繫長期競爭優勢。


Since the service sector contributes most proportion of GDP in Taiwan, the inter-firm relationship within service industry evolves to keen competition. Meanwhile, the information and communication technology (ICT) plays an important role in chain store type business to perform better service. For instance, the application of POS or CRM system demonstrates the managerial efficiency in inventory or customer relationship management, the difficulties of logistics can be reduced while service quality can also be improved. For this reason, we treat the combination of service and proper technology as an important approach to improve service quality, which can touch present and potential customers in modern enterprise. Among all information and communication technologies, internet and mobile based applications penetrate most people’s daily life. The adoption of ICT brings some changes in consumers’ behavior, which could lead to service providers to explore possibilities in combining mobile devices (e.g. iPhone or iPad, etc.) and cloud computing as a new service innovation. Though the implementation of ICT tools in real estate industry is lasting for many years, there are still opportunities in developing new service models, such as multi-media demonstration, real time presentation, or customer self-service, etc. So, the strategic thought of ICT adoption should be considered as an important success factor to a chain store type business provider. Thus, this research employed a case study to explore the feasibility and direction of the future use of mobility and cloud computing for case company to conduct new service model. First, Porter’s value chain, five forces analysis, and general competitive strategy analysis concepts are used to analyze the general environment and industrial conditions of real estate industry. Second, Brandenburger and Nalebuff’s value net framework is used to analyze and define case company’s competitive advantage and dominant strategy. Third, the Foster’s S curve concept is used to discuss cloud computing technology adoption timing, and implementation scope. Finally, there are some key factors discussed in affecting the adoption of this information and communication technology. In addition, there are still some empirical events addressed to discuss the managerial implications of ICT as key strategic role in maintaining sustainable competitive advantage of a real estate company.


(一) 中文參考文獻
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