  • 學位論文


The effect of health promotion program for the elderly on health-related quality of life at one Taipei community

指導教授 : 蘇喜


目的:本研究為針對北投區長者安排12周的健康促進活動,評估其健康生活品質的變化,了解短期的健康促進活動對於年長者的健康生活品質有何影響,進而探討這些健康促進活動的價值與可行性。 方法:工作人員協助參與活動的居民,以自填問卷量表的方式,評估參與者參與前後的健康生活品質差異性,屬於橫斷式,非隨機的取樣方式,無對照組設計。蒐集所有參與者的基本資料與SF-36健康生活品質量表分數,再以SPSS統計工具,進行資料統計分析。 結果: 取得99位參與者的問卷前後測資料,從問卷中得到個人基本資料、個人健康狀態及健康生活品質分數。分析後基本特質中的年齡、婚姻狀態、教育程度會對健康生活品質造成有意義的差異。有無慢性身體疾病特別是糖尿病、高血壓的健康生活品質也是有顯著差異。本研究進行的健康樂活課程也促使生活品質的多個面向呈現有意義的提升。 結論:經過12周的健康樂活課程,可使社區居民特別是年長者的健康生活品質達到有意義的改善,值得在社區中持續推展,也可再評估更長期的改善效果。


Purpose: In this study, a twelve-week health promotion activity was conducted with elderly people in the Beitou area. The changes in their health life quality were evaluated. This study aimed to understand the impact of short-term health promotion activities on elderly people’s health life quality. Furthermore, the value and feasibility of this health promotion activity were investigated. Method: The researchers helped the participants to fill in the questionnaire to compare the differences in their health life quality before and after their participation in the health promotion activity. This research is a cross-sectional study without a control group. The samples were not selected randomly. All the participants’ basic background information and SF-36 life quality points were collected and analysed using SPSS software. Result: Ninety-nine questionnaires were collected during this study. The questionnaire includes basic personal background information, personal health status and health life quality point. The result shows a significant difference in the respondents’ health life quality in the age, marital status and educational background groups. Furthermore, there is a significant difference in their health life quality in the chronic diseases group, especially for those with diabetes and high blood pressure. The health promotion activities conducted in this study have improved elderly people’s life quality in many respects. Conclusion: Following the twelve-week health promotion activity, the health life quality of community residents has been meliorated, especially for the elderly people. It is worthwhile continuing to promote this kind of activity. The impact of long-term health promotion activities could be investigated in further studies.


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