  • 學位論文


The Local Politics of Pollution: Air Governance in Kitakyushu and Taichung City

指導教授 : 張國暉


台中市政府近年來面臨空氣汙染治理與社會經濟發展的衡平問題,本文經過多重資料的蒐集與驗證後,以日本北九州市1960年至1980年間空氣汙染治理歷程作為台中市政府參酌之對象,北九州市與台中市擁有相似地理位置與產業類型,北九州市推動空氣治理的過程中與在地行為者的互動方式倍受國際社會推崇,因此本文以其作為台中市政府可參酌之基礎。建構北九州市空氣汙染治理圖像同時發現1971年的北九州市長選舉是關鍵的事件,對應台灣2014年底的地方選舉,台中市迎來政權轉移,新市長上任後已逾兩年,陸續推動與空氣汙染相關的行政組織法規的改革。 進行組織與法規改革的過程中,台中市政府如何與企業及環境團體對話與動態互動?上述的對話與動態互動產出哪些市政府的空氣治理作為?本文從空氣治理政策制定過程中行為者的立場與動機為出發點,聚焦於北九州市與台中市地方政府面對空氣汙染問題採取行動背後的推動力,透過多元資料來源的蒐集歸納以及人物訪談,呈現地方政府中空氣汙染治理歷程的圖像,且透過北九州市治理歷程的圖像與台中市的現況觀察,嘗試詮釋地方政府與地方首長在空氣汙染治理過程中角色變化與地方選舉的關聯性,從而指出台中市政府未來持續進行空氣汙染治理之方向。


Taichung City Government has been faced with the problem of hitting the balance between air pollution governance and economic development in recent years. After multiple data collections and verifications, this article utilizes the air pollution governance experience of Kitakyushu City, Japan between 1960 and 1980 as a reference for Taichung City Government. Kitakyushu City and Taichung City both share similar geographical location and industry types, while the former is being praised by international society regarding its interactive method with local actors during the process of implementing air pollution governance. Therefore, this article argues that the implementation of Kitakyushu City could be regarded as the reference for Taichung City Government. While constructing the air pollution governance structure of Kitakyushu City, this article discovered that the mayor election of Kitakyushu City in 1971 was a key incident to its actions. Relating it to the local general election by the end of 2014, Taichung City has experienced power transfer, the new mayor has taken office for more than two years, and is successively promoting air pollution governance related administrative and legal reformations. During the process of conducting organizational and legal reformation, how should Taichung City Government conduct dialogue and interact with corporations and environmental groups? What are the air pollution governance action outputs of Taichung City Government resulting from the aforementioned dialogues and interactions? This article starts off from the actors’ position and motivation during the air pollution governance policy making process and focuses on the driving forces behind the actions Kitakyushu City Government and Taichung City Government have taken when facing air pollution issues. This article presents the structure on the course air governance in local governments through analyzing multiple data sources and interviewing key personnel. In addition to that, by observing the course of governance structure of Kitakyushu City and the current situation of Taichung City, this article attempts to explain the changing roles of local governments and mayors in the process of air pollution governance and their relevance with local elections, thus further proposes the direction Taichung City Government should take in the future regarding the implementation of air pollution governance.


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