  • 學位論文


Study on The Loan-Fundraising Sources of Domestic Construction Companies

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


「營造業」在國內素有「火車頭工業」之稱;扮演著多種行業影響者的角色,並身繫國家建設的實行者。根據經濟部中小企業處的統計,至106年止台灣屬中小型的營造業家數共120,828家,占了該行業全國總家數122,044家的99%;全國企業總家數1,440,958的8.39% ,表國人賴此行業維生的比例甚高當不可小覷。但以目前國內中小型的營造公司要取得銀行資金的週轉融通卻是具有高度困難,除了財務報表必須要具備堅強的數字為基礎外,還要有確定的還款來源及良好的銀行往來關係,才具有融資條件。 本研究係針對國內較多比例的中小型營造業在資金籌措方面的管道探討,提供給國內的中小型營造公司在經營的過程中有關資金的籌措方式及管道選擇之建議。首述明中小型企業的定義規定、經營特性及市場的變化,次述國內銀行業對中小企業的放款趨勢,及有關資金籌措方面的文獻參考。並取個案為例,運用財務運算分析其財務的「六力分析」並取樣同業做同期之比較,並再根據此分析做出短、中長期之建議。 企業經營當然不可能一意的無限成長,也不可無限的擴張信用,營造業因為行業的特性,各種階層都有,程度參差不齊,尤以國內的中小型營造業者;其不如大型或已上市、上櫃的營造公司,資金來源及管道較多;而中小型的營造業為求生存,應該學習向金融機構建立借貸的往來關係,並學習在向金融機構申請貸款前應如何強化自我審視財務報表的評估分析、模擬規劃借款融資架構、如何選擇適當的融資機構、融資方式等的能力;讓「放貸者」與「借貸者」將風險控管與趨避,讓彼此都能各自成就,相輔相成,共達雙贏!


The construction industry plays a significant role in Taiwan. Not only does it have a great impact on diversified industries but it also works as the implementer of domestic construction. According to statistics of Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs (SMEA), there has been 120,828 small and medium construction enterprises, up 99 percent (99%) in Taiwan since 2017. Moreover, construction enterprises amounted to 1,440,958, up 8.39 percent (8.39%) in all enterprises in Taiwan. The percentage should not be underestimated. However, cash flow loans from banks are difficult for small and medium construction enterprises. Besides stable financial statement, certain repayment sources and maintaining good correspondence relationship with the bank, only to obtain loans from the financial institutions conditions. The research aims to examine how small and medium construction enterprises can raise funds. I hope the research can give advise of methods and choices small and medium construction enterprises have when operating. First, I expound the definition of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), operating performance and alternation of the market. Second, I observe the loaning trend of banks offered to SMEs and refer to references of fundraising. Taking the case study for example, I used six forces model from analysis model and made comparisons between the case and those within the trade. According to the analysis, I give short-term and medium-and-long-term advice. It is impossible for business to grow without limit. Additionally, because of the characteristic of the construction industry, it combines different stratums, especially domestic small and medium construction enterprises. They do not have as many sources of funds as large construction enterprises, or listed companies do. To survive in the market, small and medium construction enterprises should bridge stable relationships with financial institutions. The research aims for small and medium construction enterprises to assess their own financial statements first before making loans from financial institutions. In accordance to the analysis of financial statement, they can make the structures of loaning and choose adequate financial institutions. It enables both lenders and borrowers to control risks with risk aversion. Meanwhile, it can complement each other with a win-win situation.


1. Smart致富月刊,公開網站:https://statementdog.com/analysis/
2. 中央銀行,「我國營建服務出口金額統計」,國際收支明細表,2018年4查詢,https://www.cbc.gov.tw
3. 中華徵信所,營建署,「營造業行業特性」,網址:https://www.credit.com.tw
4. 內政部營建署,「承攬契約」,營造業法第22~27條,2004。
5. 內政部營建署,「營造業分類及許可」,營造業法第7~10條,2004。
