  • 學位論文


Modeling of the On-Site Gravel Contact Oxidation Process

指導教授 : 童慶斌


生物礫間污水氧化處理程序具有淨化污水有機耗氧污染物BOD(生化需氧量)及生物硝化反應將氨氮反應為硝酸鹽氮之功能,本研究乃發展數學模式,模擬低污染強度生活污水在礫間污水氧化處理設施之反應過程, 模式應用一階反應動力式及多物種擴散方程式,來描繪反應機制與BOD/NH3-N之去除率,研究引用台北地區三座實場生物礫間污水氧化處理設施之設計與操作和處理結果數據,作為模式建置與驗證程序;模擬結果顯示三座實場生物礫間污水氧化處理設施之分別平均BOD去除率為88.5%, 85.0%, 73.7% 及NH3-N之分別平均去除率為93.3%, 58.3%, 72.8%, 模擬結果分別稍低於實際觀察之處理效果;礫間之礫料粒徑為影響生物礫間污水氧化處理程序之重要參數,BOD處理效率受礫間之孔隙大小影響,而NH3-N受礫間之礫料粒徑影響。模式得以應用作為設計智慧型生態社區五人家庭之污水處理用途,該設施為連續分隔槽體,具增強處理效率減低建造成本與操作簡便優點。


A model has been developed to describe the BOD biodegradation and nitrification reactions in the gravel media of the gravel contact oxidation treatment unit. First order kinetic and multi-species diffusion equations are used to describe the mechanisms and removal efficiency of BOD and NH3-N. Three gravel contact oxidation treatment sites’ performance was simulated by this model. The average removal efficiencies are 88.5%, 85.0%, 73.7% for BOD, and 93.3%, 58.3%, 72.8% for NH3-N which are slightly lower than observed value. Gravel particle size was identified from this model as the most significant parameter controlling the performance of the process, where BOD removal efficiency increases with the gravel porosity and NH4+ oxidation rate decreases with increase in gravel size. A gravel contact oxidation process for a five people family in a smart eco-community has designed based on the simulation results of the model. It is designed as a series of gravel media component to reduce construction cost and maintenance inconveniences.


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