  • 學位論文


The Impact of Cold Oceanic Eddies on Typhoon Intensity Evolution in the Western North Pacific Ocean

指導教授 : 林依依


為了改進颱風警報系統,我們應該加強對於颱風路徑及強度的預報。相較於近30年內蓬勃發展的颱風路徑預報,強風強度預報仍有很大進步的空間,影響著颱風強度變化有主要三個因素,綜觀大氣條件、颱風本身結構、海洋條件,其中特別是海洋的條件在颱風強度變化之中的角色,還沒有被仔細研究了解。 在西北太平洋,由於充滿著海洋性渦旋區域的存在,造成了複雜的次表面海洋條件。海洋性渦旋可以造成上層海水熱含量達到100%的變異。複雜的海洋結構對颱風強度的變化有很深的影響。過去的研究大多對於海洋性暖渦對於颱風強度的影響,但在充滿海洋性渦旋的區域,也有暖水層較氣候值薄的海洋性冷渦的存在,本研究針對海洋性冷渦和颱風強度變化之間的交互作用做深入研究。以2007年超級颱風Sepat遭遇海洋性冷渦為例,遭遇冷渦之後其強度一天內近中心風速下降35 knot。 本研究對2007年至2009年西北太平洋的颱風遭遇海洋性冷渦個案進行分析,發現2007至2009年強烈颱風經過海洋性冷渦時平均一天強度下降25 knot。利用測高衛星與海洋實測浮標觀察海洋性冷渦,並且運用了一維海洋混合層模式模擬颱風造成的海洋表面冷卻,並計算冷卻之後的熱焓通量以及檢驗綜觀大氣環境條件,進一步的去了解海洋性冷渦在颱風強度變化中所扮演的角色。 研究中發現颱風遭遇海洋性冷渦造成的影響是根據遭遇冷渦時颱風的強度所主導,由於越強的颱風有越大的風速造成強烈的海洋表面溫度冷卻作用,而越強的颱風又需要更多的焓通量維持其強度,因此海洋性冷渦對於越強的颱風導致其強度有明顯的強度減弱的作用。


For improving the typhoon warning system, we should improve the track and intensity forecasting. In the recent three decades, it had been well studied in track forecasting related to intensity forecasting. There are three important factors in tropical cyclone intensity evolution, including atmospheric synoptic condition, cyclone's own structure and oceanic condition. Especially, the role of oceanic condition in typhoon intensity evolution is not well understood. There is a complicated oceanic subsurface in the western North Pacific ocean, because of the eddy rich zone. The oceanic eddy could let the upper ocean heat content have 100% anomaly. It deeply influences the intensity of typhoon. There were a lot of researches about the impacts of WOEs (warm oceanic eddy) on typhoon intensity evolution. In the eddy rich zone, there also exists SSHA (sea surface height anomaly) negative feature of COEs (cold oceanic eddy). This study focused on the interaction of COEs on typhoon intensity evolution. For example, 2007 category 5 typhoon Sepat dropped 35 knots in one day after encountered a COE. This study included the cases of 2007-2009 typhoon encountered COEs. It is found that there is an average of 25 knot intensity decay in one day when Category 4-5 typhoons encountering COEs. By the multiple altimetry satellite and oceanic float, we had good observations on COEs. One dimensional oceanic mixed layer model is used for simulating typhoon-induced SST cooling. This study examined the synoptic atmospheric condition and calculated enthalpy flux between the typhoons and COEs, then trying to understand the role of COEs in different intense typhoon and the impacts of COEs on typhoon intensity evolution. It is found that the impacts of typhoon encountered COEs depends on the encountered typhoon intensity, because the more intense typhoon has the bigger wind speed on inducing SST more cooling. The more intense typhoon needs more enthalpy flux for intensity maintenance. So that COEs make the more intense typhoon’s intensity decay.


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