  • 學位論文


Mobile Location and Tracking Based Service In Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network

指導教授 : 張堂賢


現今,科技發展的主流是跨學科(interdisciplinary)的整合科學,以人為本的核心技術(human-centered technologies, HT),不再是強迫人們適應新興的科技,反而強調的是提供貼心、客製化的服務給人們。 隨著通訊技術的蓬勃發展,透過技術的整合能夠將交通訊資料輕易地傳送至人們手中,本研究希望建構一個行動定位與追蹤服務平台以拓展ITS的服務內容與實踐資訊易於取得的雙重目標,建置平台的優點不僅在交控中心與使用者之間建立起一個良好的溝通橋樑,也可以作為緊急疏散的管道,更加能夠建立一個人性化且效能兼備的交通環境。 N-Fi系統全名為Near Field Informatics,可視為是車載隨意網路技術(Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, VANET)之一,本研究以N-Fi系統來建置測試環境並對於行動定位與追蹤服務平台進行驗證,研究以訊號強度法(RSSI)結合定位演算法(Location Algorithm)與α-β-γ濾波器發展相關的演算法,對於範圍內的移動端點進行定位與追蹤其移動的軌跡。 經實驗測試後,其結果顯示,在定位方面,模式對於使用者的預測經評估後擁有優良的預測能力,在追蹤方面,模式對於使用者的預測經評估後擁有優良的預測能力,表示模式可以有效地對於使用者進行定位與追蹤其移動的行為。


Today, the mainstream of technology is the inter-disciplinary integration science which is human-centered technologies (HT), instead of forcing people to adapt the technologies, it emphasizes to provide caring and customized services to the people. With the rapid development of communication technology, the traffic information data can be easily transmitted to people by technology integration, this research is to build a platform for mobile location and tracking based services to expand the content of ITS information and realize information’s accessibility. A platform has many advantages, it is not only to build the bridge to communicate between user and the traffic control center but also be used as emergency evacuation pipe, and establish a human-centered and efficient environment in traffic. Near Field Informatics (N-Fi) is one of the Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET) technology. The research uses N-Fi system to build a test environment and verify the mobile location and tracking platform. The research use RSSI method with Location Algorithm and α- β-γ Filter to develop the related algorithms, in order to locate and track the moving node in the range of experiment. The results show that, the location model for the users has excellent predictive ability in location and the predict model for the users also has excellent predictive ability in tracking. In sum, the model can be effective locate and track the mobile behavior for users.


VANET RSSI Location Algorithm α- β-γ Filter N-Fi


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