  • 學位論文


The Construction Method and Example of Classical Stone Stacking and Water Feature Design– A Case Study of Upriver Section of Southern Sulfur Creek in Yangming Park and Front Mountain Park.

指導教授 : 蔡厚男


自臺灣之歷史發展脈絡可知,庭園發展及內涵深受中國文人庭園及日式庭園影響,本研究於文獻回顧中,簡要闡述中、日傳統園林之發展和背後之文化內涵,彙整傳統園林之疊石理水技藝。而後以文獻回顧為基礎,配合前山公園及陽明公園之現地調查,了解區內各處之微型生態及地理水文條件,提出適宜之修復法式。 前山公園與陽明公園(後山公園)皆為日據時期之產物,後經民國政府進行擴建與改建,並隨著國民旅遊活動之導入,眾多新設施紛紛設置,經時代更替,以日式庭園為基底,各時期之產物層層堆疊,使此處蘊藏豐富之歷史文化景觀,今日於過多之人工物覆蓋之下,仍可見其最初山水營造之大致風貌。此外,陽明山及前山公園境內有磺溪上游段穿越,水源生態亦十分重要,故所用之工法應兼具傳統園林之美感及生態,創造人與水環境和諧相處之地景空間。


Front Mountain Park, Taiwan and Yangming Park (Back Mountain Park) were built in Japanese occupied period, and had been expanded and rebuilt during the reign of Republic of China. As the public tour culture is gaining popularity, many new facilities are brought into the parks based on the original Japanese style. All the construction in different times creates a cultural atmosphere, and we can still largely see the original style beneath many newly built facilities. In addition to the culture side, the upriver of Southern Sulfur creek flows through Yangming Park and Front Mountain Park which makes the water ecological system also important, so the construction method shall be friendly to the ecological environment to create a harmonious landscape for man and the water environment. As there are many facilities built in different times in the park , we need to understand the spirit and the content of gardening in those times first before we planned to repair and reconstruct. The brief introduction of development of traditional gardening and its cultural meaning, along with the rationale as for how to create water landscape and the summary of stones stacking and water managing skills were all described in the “literature review” section of this paper. Based on the understanding of literature review, we performed field investigation to understand micro ecological status and geographical water status in each area in the park to propose appropriate repair construction method.


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