  • 學位論文


Acquisition of Mandarin Tones by Japanese learners: Evidence from Chinese-Japanese Homographs

指導教授 : 劉德馨


近二十年來,隨著全球學習華語的人口急遽成長,針對外籍學生聲調習得的研究也有蓬勃的發展。在聲調教學的領域中,先行研究多著重於學習者在語音知覺與產出作業中的表現,然而探討母語音韻特性如何對華語聲調習得產生影響的研究卻略顯不足。為對此有更多了解,本研究旨在透過中日同形詞的聲調偏誤分析,檢驗日語高低重音對於華語聲調習得可能產生的正遷移效果。 過去研究顯示日籍學習者的聲調偏誤部分源於日語的音韻特性,可視為母語對目標語的負遷移效果。然而,日語的高低重音或華語的聲調,皆為以音高變化區辨語義的手段,若能善用日籍學習者固有的音高感覺,應有助於其華語聲調的習得。本研究的目的即在於探討,當音高變化在兩個語言中達到一致時,高低重音是否能對聲調表現產生正遷移,進而提高聲調產出的正確率。為了檢驗上述假設的正確性,筆者以中日同形詞為材料實施了語音實驗,紀錄14位受試者共三次的朗讀結果,分別進行量化分析與質性觀察。 結果顯示,日華語音高變化一致的目標漢字與不一致的對照漢字之間,正確率並無顯著差異;而聲調組合違背日語重音規則的詞彙,其聲調正確率並未比不違背的詞彙低。上述兩項結果皆與本研究的假設不符,可知日華語中音高變化一致與否對該漢字的聲調正確率並無顯著影響。此結果可能與日華語中音韻系統作用層次不同,且學習者對於兩個語言間存在音高對應關係缺乏意識有關。 儘管如此,根據Flege (1995, 1996) 提出語音學習模型 (Speech Learning Model),雙語者的兩個語音系統存在於一個共同的、可塑性高的語音空間。依循此理論脈絡,筆者認為面對母語為日語的初級學習者時,以明示教學法向學習者說明母語與目標語間的音韻共通性,仍能促使其運用母語中對於音高變化的敏感度建立聲調的音感,以利於日後掌握華語聲調的音準。最後,筆者針對日台兩地的初級聲調教材內容進行檢視與討論,並提出個人的教學建議。


The past two decades have witnessed a substantial increase of learning Chinese as a second language worldwide, and numerous studies have been conducted to understand the mechanism of Mandarin tonal acquisition by foreign language learners. While extant studies on the acquisition of Mandarin tones predominantly focused on production and perception, few studies have been conducted to untie the effect of L1 prosodic patterns on the acquisition of Mandarin tones. To remedy this gap, the present research aimed at examining potential L1 positive transfer of Japanese pitch-accent on the acquisition of Mandarin tones, with a special focus on Chinese – Japanese homographs. While pitch movement is a syllable-level phenomenon in Mandarin and a word-level phenomenon in Japanese, both languages refer to pitch height to change the meaning of a word. This typological similarity suggests that, for Japanese learners of Mandarin, taking advantage of pitch awareness in the native language might be beneficial in the acquisition of Mandarin tones. To test this hypothesis, fourteen Japanese learners participated in the experiment, and were asked to read a word list of Chinese-Japanese homographs. Their performance was recorded for later quantitative and qualitative analyses. A perception test was also conducted to investigate the relation between learners’ perception and production. Our results indicated that, the accuracy rates were not significantly higher for Chinese-Japanese homographs with consistent pitch height. Meanwhile, the accuracy rates were not significantly lower for lexical sets whose tonal combinations violated Japanese pitch-accent constraints. A possible explanation is that pitch movement operates at the syllable-level in Mandarin while it operates at the word-level in Japanese. Consequently, Japanese learners lack phonological awareness of pitch correspondence between Mandarin and Japanese. Nevertheless, as Flege (1995, 1996) notes, L1 and L2 sounds coexist in a shared and malleable system. Under this rationale, we suggest that explicit teaching, i.e. providing learners with phonological correspondence between L1 and L2, might activate learners’ pitch awareness, thus facilitating the acquisition of Mandarin tones. Based on the results of the present study, pedagogical implications for Japanese learners and suggestions for future studies were provided at the end of the thesis.


