  • 學位論文


Designing of Participatory BIM Model Reviewing Platform

指導教授 : 康仕仲
共同指導教授 : 紀宏霖(Hung-Lin Chi)


本研究旨在解決使用者參與式設計在建築討論上所遇到的兩大門檻,使用者專業度不足及參與者眾多。專業度不足導致在建築設計圖上認知困難;參與者眾多導致難以安排討論的時間和空間。因此,本研究希望以數位化的建築資訊模型作為基礎,藉由遊戲引擎進行視覺化及體感化以增加對建築設計的認知能力;並透過網路連線達到非同時同地的溝通,再藉由各式輔助功能以消弭網路溝通的隔閡。所以設計了一個討論平台Virtual BIM Reviewer(簡稱VBR)讓使用者可以透過平台觀察模型及互相溝通。 本研究利用Unity3D遊戲引擎作為工具,針對網路資訊傳達、虛擬環境建置及虛擬替身操作進行探討。並根據建築討論過程中的互動來設計輔助用的工具,包含雷射指標、標籤、測量、分享畫面等功能。讓使用者可以透過這些工具進行空間認知、意見表達和達成共識。 為了測試VBR的成效,本研究設計了一項實驗。這個實驗會分為兩組,分別使用BIM軟體或VBR來進行。實驗會提供一個有各項設計瑕疵的建築模型,讓受測者進行探索及透過網路討論這個模型。探索模型是為了測驗兩個不同方式對建築設計的認知的表現差異;網路討論的表現可以反映出是否有消弭異地討論的隔閡。 實驗結果表示VBR在探索的效率上有所提升,而在討論的負擔上也能有所下降。效率的提升反映了認知上升可以降低專業的門檻,討論負擔下降代表能透過網路順暢的跨越空間進行溝通。整體而言VBR可以降低使用者參與式建築設計討論的門檻。


The purpose of this study is to address the two problems faced by users in participatory design in building discussions. One problem is the lack of experience, which provokes users to have cognitive difficulties when interpreting architectural technical drawings. Another problem is the large number of participants, which leads to difficulties in time and space administration for discussion. Therefore, this research hopes to use the building information model as a basis to visualize and comprehend the building design through using a game engine, to increase the cognitive ability of the users and to achieve non-simultaneous communication; all of these by using the Internet connection. A discussion platform, Virtual BIM Reviewer (VBR) was designed to allow users to observe models and communicate with each other through the platform. Which contains different kinds of auxiliary functions that eliminate the barriers of network communication. Therefore, this study uses the Unity3D game engine as a tool to explore network, virtual environment building, and virtual avatar operations. According to the interaction in the construction discussion process, auxiliary tools are designed, and those tools include laser indicators, labels, measurements, and sharing screens. Users can use these tools for spatial awareness, opinion expression, and consensus. To test the effectiveness of VBR, we designed an experiment where we divided the testers into two groups, each using BIM software or VBR respectively. In the experiment, we provided an architectural model with some design particularities, allowing the subjects to explore and discuss them through the Internet. The exploration model is designed to test the performance differences between two different approaches to architectural design; the performance of the Internet discussion can reflect whether there is a gap between different types discussions methods. The experimental results show that VBR has improved its exploration efficiency, and it has also reduced the burden of discussion. The increase in efficiency reflects the fact that rising cognition can lower the visualization experience problems, and reduce the burden of discussion which means that communication can be smoothly achieved across the Internet. Overall, VBR can reduce the barriers to user participation in discussion of architectural design.


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