  • 學位論文


Translating Formosa: Translators’ Interpretations of the Works by British, American and Japanese Naturalists

指導教授 : 陳榮彬


本翻譯研究旨在針對陳政三(文史工作者)和楊南郡(登山暨古道專家),探討陳楊二人如何以「譯者兼報導者」的身分詮釋福爾摩沙(臺灣)的自然史敘事。前述敘事即為本研究原文文本,作者為十九世紀中至二十世紀初來臺的博物學家郇和(Robert Swinhoe)、史蒂瑞(Joseph Steere)與鹿野忠雄。研究方法為檢視楊素芬的臺灣報導文學論述,以及Gérard Genette與Kathryn Batchelor兩人個別的翻譯與附文本研究論點,以此分析本研究目標文本的「報導文學敘事手法」與「文本─附文本關係」。同時,也針對譯本的顯化策略、顯化資訊背後的人類學/生物學意義,以及報導文學基本要素之一的文學性,深入探討顯化後的資訊如何為讀者提供專業知識或是催生讀者情緒,以及可能因此衍生的問題。在陳楊的個案中,本人主張原文文本在功能上,形同目標文本的附文本,並服務目標文本;此主張與Genette的論點相反。針對福爾摩沙脈絡的自然史敘事譯法,其多樣化詮釋的隱含意義是譯者兼報導者的臺灣意識,以及「島」的地理特性形成的人類學與生物學特殊性。


This translation research is aimed at exploring how Jackson Tan (cultural historian) and Nan-Chung Young (alpinist and expert on old mountain trails), as ‘translator-reporters,’ interpreted the natural historical narratives of visits to Formosa (Taiwan). These narratives, as the source texts for this research, were written by naturalists visiting Formosa between the mid-19th century and the early 20th-century: Robert Swinhoe, Joseph Steere and Tadao Kano. Methodologically, I will examine Su-Fen Yang’s discourses on literary journalism in Taiwan, as well as Gérard Genette’s and Kathryn Batchelor’s views on translation and paratexts in my analysis of ‘reportage styles’ and ‘paratextuality’ in the target texts. In addition, I will also explore explicitation as a translation strategy; the anthropological/biological meanings behind the explicitated information; as well as literariness, an underlying element of literary journalism. The intention is to gain insight into how the explicitated information offers specialized knowledge to readers or provokes an emotional response in them, and what problems may result. In the cases of Tan and Young, I claim that the source text functions as a paratext to, and is at the service of, the target text, overturning Genette’s stance on the issue. Implicit within the various interpretations contained in the translations of natural historical narratives in the Formosan context are the translator-reporter’s Taiwan consciousness, and the island’s geographical features that contributed to its anthropological and biological distinctiveness.


Batchelor, K. (2018). Translation and paratexts. Oxfordshire, United Kingdom: Routledge.
Cambridge Dictionary. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://dictionary.cambridge.org/zht/%E8%A9%9E%E5%85%B8/%E8%8B%B1%E8%AA%9E/quotation-mark
Cambridge Dictionary. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://dictionary.cambridge.org/zht/%E8%A9%9E%E5%85%B8/%E8%8B%B1%E8%AA%9E-%E6%BC%A2%E8%AA%9E-%E7%B9%81%E9%AB%94/natural-history
Chao, C.-M. (n.d.). Yuanjumin de fenshiang wenhua (原住民的分享文化) [The culture of sharing in indigenous societies]. Retrieved from http://web2.nmns.edu.tw/PubLib/NewsLetter/89/151/13-2.htm
