  • 學位論文


Problems Posed to and Strategies Employed by Indonesian-Mandarin Community Interpreters in Taiwan

指導教授 : 范家銘




In response to the rising number of Southeast Asian people in Taiwan, both public and private sectors have established community interpreting training, certification, and service mechanisms. However, problems have gradually emerged. Past studies in conference interpreting have demonstrated that a better understanding of the topic “problem-strategy pairing” is conducive to learning, teaching, and course design of conference interpreting. This topic however, has attracted little attention in the field of community interpreting. Without understanding problems posed to and strategies employed by frontline community interpreters, it will be difficult to improve the current systems or design community interpreting systems that reflect real world needs. With this in mind, the study aims to identify problems frequently posed to and corresponding strategies employed by community interpreters in Taiwan. Since Indonesian migrant workers have the largest demand for both public and community interpreting service in Taiwan, the study only focuses on experience of Indonesian-Mandarin interpreters. Data was collected through survey questionnaires and one-on-one interviews with 20 Indonesian community interpreters. The results show that Indonesian community interpreters face certain culturally or nationally specific problems. Similar to strategies that appeared in past studies, most strategies employed by the participants involve intervention. Although past studies regarded intervention to be inappropriate during adversarial situations, this study argues that under the current context of Taiwan, intervention strategy is acceptable because it ensures rights protection for migrant workers. Suggestions provided by the participants are similar to those appeared in the past, which means few changes have been made to the systems. The lack of dedicated budgets and supportive regulations for local government agencies is the reason of few changes made to the current systems. The few changes reflect the government’s disregard for community interpreting service and thus for language rights of migrant workers, which is sadly a violation to the act on human rights protection Taiwan passed and is proud of.


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