  • 學位論文


A Self-determination Perspective of Change Recipients' Attitudes toward Organizational Change

指導教授 : 鄭伯壎


本研究採用自我決定論(self-determination theory)觀點建構組織變革接受者對於變革所形成之態度。根據自我決定論,本研究指出變革接受者對於組織變革,可形成自發性(autonomous)、內射性(introjected)及外在性(external)等各種支持變革態度。除了對於變革方案的知覺程度之外,變革接受者在變革方案實施前的知覺組織支持程度與工作熱情高低,以及方案實施過程中、變革推動者與接受者之間的溝通模式,對於變革接受者的各種態度形成皆有顯著影響。而變革過程中的各種態度,可顯著預測方案實施後的各種個人結果變項。本研究以四個子研究來驗證各項假設;結果顯示從自我決定論出發,的確能夠完整描繪變革接受者對變革方案所形成的各種不同態度,而本研究所發展出的新測量工具在信度與效度方面表現良好,可以做為量測變革接受者態度的重要指標。


In this dissertation research, I use the self-determination theory to conceptualize employees’ various attitudes toward organizational change (AOC). Following this theoretical framework, I propose that employees’ AOCs can be autonomous, introjected, or purely external. Also, I expect that in addition to perceived change implementation during the change process, employees’ perceived organizational support and work passion prior to the change as well as how they are communicated in the change process all have substantial effects on employees’ AOCs. Finally, I predict that AOCs relate to many important employee outcomes after the change is implemented. I designed four studies to test my research hypotheses. Results obtained from these studies suggest that AOC constructs effectively capture various attitudes toward a change, and that my newly developed scales serve as valid and reliable measures for these constructs.


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