  • 學位論文

供應商協同合作之研究 - 以晶圓代工廠為例

A Research of Supplier Collaboration - Case Study on an IC Foundry Company

指導教授 : 黃崇興 柯承恩


全球高科技產業的蓬勃發展,帶動整個產業界新的創新契機,每年數以千計的消費性電子產品,以迅雷不及掩耳的速度推陳出新,帶給人類更方便、更舒適的生活方式。然而,此趨勢亦帶給產業極大的衝擊,隨即而來的挑戰是產品生命週期縮短、價格降低的壓力及供應鏈競爭能力的整合。 如何有效的與供應商在資訊面、流程面整合,讓供應商在供應商協同合作(Supplier Collaboration)的目標下整合供應鏈,降低採購成本,縮短採購時程,降低企業庫存水準,提高供應鏈的快速答覆能力,並進而提昇企業供應鏈的競爭能力,便成為一個極具改善空間的機會。 本研究目的在以某半導體代工廠商為個案,描述個案公司,在產業供應鏈壓縮的壓力下,如何以企業供應商網站為工具,建構企業供應商協同合作的平台,除了分析個案關鍵成功因素,並提出研究結論建議。 而從本研究所得到的結論有下列幾項,可供企業資訊長、採購長及專案計劃主持人,在未來發展企業供應商協同合作時,可依循的參考重點: 1.人才是專案計劃中最重要的要素,能夠結合不同單位有經驗的專業人才形成團隊,是企業供應商協同合作成功與否的重要因素。 2.企業供應商協同合作的目標必需與公司的經營發展目標結合一起,自動化的前提在流程合理化,不是為了自動化而自動化。 3.企業建立長久競爭優勢的方法是降低成本和產品差異化的價格優勢,而企業供應商協同合作的建置可幫助企業降低企業營運成本,提高企業供應鏈競爭力 4.隨著企業供應商協同合作的興起,企業的結構產生變化,企業內部的活動將會移至外部的供應商進行,而形成“虛擬延伸企業”(Virtual Extended Enterprise),企業與供應商有著高度的合作關係,彼此依存度大幅提高,使其在市場上的競爭力提昇。 5.由於企業供應商協同合作的建置, 企業與供應商之間存在著利害分享的關係,在長期合作的目標之下, 共同合作推動改善計劃,建立競爭優勢,創造出比原企業個體更大的事業績效,形成強而有力的供應商夥伴關係。


Global logistics and supply chain management as a subject has became a key management topic facing the globally competition realities of today. Moreover, the development of enterprises will have to be based on application of information technology if and only if there is a need to continue keeping ahead of industries by competition in the tight market. With the emerge of various kinds of business models and the indistinct boundaries among firms, the members on the whole supply chain take a short at the possibility of collaboration to pursue virtual enterprise for expanding economic territory, reaching the relatively competitive advantage. This research, on a frame of semiconductor industry use a detailed case study approach and address under what circumstance would firms launch supplier collaboration and what concludes the advantage of the supplier collaboration. This research analyzes the key successful factors for the case study, and conducts conclusions and suggestions. This research provides several arguments which can be used as references for CIO, CPO and project leaders in developing enterprise supplier collaboration plan. Briefly, results of this research are shown below: 1.Human resource is the key element in the supply chain management. 2.IT by nature is neutral, and still regarded as an enabler for realizing desired supply chain relationships and business strategies in the supply chain context. 3.Supplier collaboration can decrease operation costs and help enterprises raise their competitiveness. 4.Supplier collaboration also arise the virtual extended enterprise that helps the relationship between enterprise and supplier be stronger. 5.Under the goal of collaboration, enterprise and suppliers promote improvement plans together, establish competitive advantages, create synergy and form stronger partnership.


supplier collaboration foundry


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