  • 學位論文


The Study of Corporate Spin-off —ASUSTeK

指導教授 : 蔡揚宗


企業分割之目的係為縮小公司營運規模,更加專注於特定事業之發展,並得利用特定部門之獨立,以求企業經營的效率化,對於公司之營運績效有所助益。 面對產業的變化與挑戰,華碩必須在適者生存的產業環境中,積極、小心的在變與不變之間尋求最佳的定位。 隨著時局變化,產業環境的發展已不利於華碩品牌與代工業務並存且共同發展,隨著品牌業務的擴展,在爭取代工業務時,華碩的品牌業務實力及共用資源的安排上,屢屢因競爭對手的提及,使客戶端於關鍵性的決議上產生諸多疑慮,而使代工事業無法充分發揮應有的實力。相對的,華碩的品牌業務也必須更精準的定位,擴展深度與廣度,充分掌握下一波數位革命的商機。 華碩希望能以過去在品牌及代工打下的基礎,各自更加精準的定位,精益求精,貫徹「只有第一,沒有第二」的決心,引進更多人才與資源,在各自的領域,掌握到最大的成長空間與契機,各自成為品牌及代工的領導企業。


The purpose of corporate spin-off is to reduce operation scale, more focus on specific business development, and utilize the independence of specific divisions in return for effective enterprise operations and better performance results. Facing constant changes and challenges in the electronic industry, ASUSTeK must carefully and actively seek for optimized leading position between changing and unchanging. During these years, ASUSTeK faces the challenge of the conflict between OBM business and ODM business. With OBM business growing and expanding, it hinders ODM business. Customers often question about the ODM business and hesitate to make decisions since ODM resources are shared with OBM business, which often is a disadvantage to customers. As a result, ODM business is impeded to win over contracts with customers. The same limiting factors such as shared resources apply to OBM business as well. The branding business must remove these limiting factors and position itself in the market with precise product depth and range in order to grasp business opportunities of the next digital revolution. ASUSTeK has built strength in the backbone of both OBM and ODM businesses. By performing spin-off, ASUSTeK can further help both OBM and ODM concentrate on separate business segments, utilize resources and employ top talents. Each can focus on its specific goals and targets independently in order to capture potential opportunities, to maximize growth and to become the leaders in both OBM and ODM business.


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