  • 學位論文

公益事業勸募及企業社會責任關連之研究― 以某醫療基金會為例

A Study on the Relationship between Fundraising of a Nonprofit Organization and Social Responsibility of Enterprise- A Case Study of Medical Foundation

指導教授 : 柯承恩 博士 陳忠仁 博士


近年許多民間企業日越重視社會公益事業,建立正向品牌形象,如同金管會所曾提出,企業若能將核心業務及競爭策略與企業社會責任相結合,可以為企業帶來競爭優勢。此外,公益事業組織本身之運作績效也對於社會公益結果影響甚大。故探討相關公益事業組織與民間企業合作聯盟策略及產出效益等為近代重要議題。整理本研究之主要研究目的有以下幾點。 一、 探討國內民間企業與社會大眾對公益事業之捐助動機。 二、 探討公益事業非營利組織與企業之社會責任關連與合作聯盟策略。 三、 探討公益事業非營利組織與企業合作聯盟之產出效益與未來發展。 而本研究藉由探討國內從事醫療公益事業具代表性單位-某醫療基金會之研究個案文獻資料探討及量化統計分析結果,彙整幾點重要結論如下 一、 針對社會大眾或企業選擇捐助之重要考量因素包含有知, 最為重要。 二、 針對公益事業組織之勸募,某醫療基金會係透過與地方政府、民間企業團體以及其他公益組織等合作聯盟,擴大受眾對肝病預防及篩檢之溝通認知。 三、 民間企業選擇與某醫療基金會合作聯盟策略,藉此可壯大本身經營資源及創新服務模式,並強化了整體社會公益形象及行銷曝光力道。 四、 公益事業組織未來可進一步整合國內相關醫療小型基金會、企業團體或地方政府醫療衛生管理單位等,以順利達成既定公益事業目標及提升整體產出績效、以及節省許多人力及時間資源等達成雙贏效果。


In the recent years, many private companies in Taiwan draw more attention to the charity undertakings, and try to establish a more positive brand image. Financial Advisory Commission of Taiwan Government has ever mentioned that, if an enterprise combines their own core value of business and strategies with social responsibility, it will result in improved competitive advantages. Besides, the operational performance results of nonprofit organizations have great impacts on the social welfare. It is an important issue, therefore, to explore the cooperation strategy and output performance between the nonprofit organizations and the enterprises. The main purposes of this study are: 1. To clarify the motivations of donations to nonprofit organizations by general public and domestic enterprises. 2. To understand the social responsibility and cooperation strategies between nonprofit organizations and enterprises. 3. To explore the output efficacy and future development after the cooperation of nonprofit organizations enterprises. The thesis is a case study of a nonprofit medical foundation, through a thorough statistical analysis and reviewing related literatures, there are several conclusions following below: 1. The major considerations of donation to nonprofit organizations by general public or enterprises include: notability, business needs, trust or credibility, and convenience of cooperation. Of them, well- established reputation, previous good performance credibility, and trust-worthy are of the most importance. 2. Through the cooperation with local governments, private sector groups, and other public welfare organizations, the nonprofit medical foundation accomplish fund-raising by the education and screening of liver diseases. 3. The alliance enterprises may restore their own business resources as well as renewed business model, and may strengthen public images and to increase market exposure. In the future, the social welfare organizations may integrate with related minor medical foundations, business groups, and local governments, in order to increase the output performance, saving human/ time resources, and finally to achieve definite objectives and a win-win results.


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