  • 學位論文

日本旅人 台灣印象—旅行凝視的建構與實作

Taiwan in Japanese Travelers’ Eyes—Traveling Gaze Construction and Practice

指導教授 : 李明璁 陳家帶


無論是走在熱鬧的台北街頭、九份老街,還是優美的花東部落,日本旅人的身影早已悄悄融入台灣各地風景的一部份;有時候,他們也會出現在你我生活周遭,點起魯味、芒果冰,和台灣人一起生活,體驗生活中的旅行。對這些日本旅人來說,來台旅行或旅居的動機是什麼?在他們眼中,「台灣」又呈現什麼樣貌?為了透視旅人凝視下的台灣,本報導以社會學巨擘John Urry「旅人的凝視」及Dean MacCannell修正的「二次凝視」概念為主要架構,穿插十位旅人的真實故事,試圖拼湊出日本旅人眼中的台灣圖像。 透過文本分析與深度訪談,可發現日本旅人對台灣的凝視建構大致聚焦於三個方向:帶有中華與南國風情的亞洲想像、能喚起明治與昭和時期「昔時日本」的懷舊情懷、以及擬似戰後日本的現代性。這段由社會文化與媒體所共同建構出的想像,就是「前旅行」階段培養旅行凝視的基礎。帶著這份想像,日本旅人開始體驗並「看見」台灣,在旅行實作中獲得滿足或者文化衝擊。有趣的是,隨著凝視的頻率增加、時間拉長,「二次凝視」在部分旅人身上開始發酵,讓他們由不解轉為協商或認同,也重新解讀起台灣。 在此背景下,「療癒系」成為日本旅人眼中最貼切的台灣意象。原先被認為是隨便或雜亂的印象,在旅人的二次凝視下,轉而成為自然且放鬆的台灣民情,代表著在高壓且單一的日本社會中所難以尋找的生活步調,而不盡然是指按摩、美食、瞎拼等休憩式的玩樂,也突顯出台灣與其他東南亞度假勝地不同的獨特性。


Along the city streets, in Chiufen, or in east Taiwan, Japanese travelers seem to have become a part of scenery. Sometimes, they would just have some soya-mixed meat or mango ice in the night market, as what local Taiwanese do. Why are these Japanese travelers visiting Taiwan? What is Taiwan like in their eyes? To depict the whole picture, the concept of “the tourist gaze” presented by Professor John Urry and the refined “second gaze” by Dean MacCannell were used to construct the in-depth report, interweaving the ten travelers’ own traveling stories. Through content analysis and in-depth interviews, the travelers’ gaze construction during their “pre-travel” stage could be categorized into three parts: the exotic oriental imagination combined with Chinese and southern Asian culture, the nostalgic feeling of good old days (especially in Meiji and Showa dynasty) no longer found in modern Japan, and the quasi-Japan modernity mixed with the vitality of Taiwan pop culture. With such imagination or expectation, Japanese travelers shall be able to feel and see with their own eyes, resulting in satisfaction and/or culture shock. To some of them, especially who stay longer or visit more often, seeing Taiwan through their second gaze helps to transfer culture shock into understanding. “Taiwan,” redefined as a result, becomes more like a “healing” paradise than a disordered island. In addition to enjoyment such as massage or gourmet that other southern Asian countries can also offer, it actually implies a kind of lifestyle that Japan society, pressured and unitary, lacks.


MacCannell, D. (1973) Staged Authenticity: Arrangements of Social Space in Tourist Settings. The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 79, No. 3.
Urry, J. (1990, 2002: 2nd edn.). The Tourist Gaze: leisure and travel in contemporary societies. London: Sage.


李嵐茵(2013)。旅遊消費、地方建構與媒體中介:以天下雜誌《微笑台灣 319鄉》專刊案例為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2013.02285
