  • 學位論文


The Application of Perennial Peanut, Peanut Stover, and Sunn Hemp as Forage Replacement for Dairy Goats

指導教授 : 徐濟泰


近年來原物料大幅上漲,飼料原料價格持續攀升,為因應飼料漲價,擴大利用副產物以節省飼料費用更顯勢在必行,並且值得進一步開發其他新飼料原料或本土自有副產物芻料替代物。 本實驗旨在評估農副產物以及綠肥作物花生藤、多年生花生及太陽麻於替代苜蓿乾草作為泌乳羊芻料之應用。採用 4 頭過泌乳高峰 Alpine 泌乳羊個別飼養於代謝架進行 4×4 拉丁方(Latin square)試驗設計之飼養試驗,以苜蓿乾草飼糧作為對照組,其餘三個處理組分別為多年生花生飼糧、花生藤飼糧或太陽麻飼糧,飼糧精芻料比為 50:50,並調整精料組成使四組為等粗蛋白質飼糧(CP = 18 %)。每個試驗期包含 10 天適應期與 4 天採樣期。採樣期間每日回收及測量早晚各一次的乳量,並於採樣期最後兩日分別依據實際乳量比例混合的每日乳樣,分析其基本乳組成。 試驗結果顯示,太陽麻處理組泌乳羊乾物質採食量最低,顯著低於多年生花生處理組與花生藤處理組(P < 0.05)。苜蓿乾草處理組、多年生花生處理組、花生藤處理組及太陽麻處理組之泌乳羊乾物質採食量分別為 1486、 1529、 1557 及 1395 g/day。四個處理組羊隻採食的有機物比例沒有差異。因為太陽麻組羊隻選食葉子的緣故,其採食的蛋白質比例較高。苜蓿乾草組羊隻採食粗脂肪較其他三組高,非纖維碳水化合物採食量亦較多年生花生組與太陽麻組高。在消化率方面,多年生花生處理組乾物質消化率顯著低於苜蓿乾草處理組,酸洗纖維消化率則顯著高於苜蓿乾草處理組(P < 0.05),而有機物消化率、粗蛋白質消化率、中洗纖維消化率、粗脂肪消化率、澱粉消化率與苜蓿乾草處理組無顯著差異。花生藤處理組在乾物質消化率、有機物消化率、粗蛋白質消化率、中洗纖維消化率酸洗纖維消化率、粗脂肪消化率及澱粉消化率與苜蓿乾草處理組均無顯著差異。太陽麻飼糧處理組泌乳羊在中洗纖維及酸洗纖維消化率顯著高於其他三組(P < 0.05),且其乾物質消化率、有機物消化率、粗蛋白質消化率、粗脂肪消化率及澱粉消化率與苜蓿乾草處理組泌乳羊無顯著差異。四組處理組採食之泌乳淨能無顯著差異。四組處理組乳產量分別為 2036、1986、1948 及 1761 g/day。花生藤處理組(1.25)在飼料效率顯著低於苜蓿乾草處理組,多年生花生處理組及太陽麻處理組則與苜蓿乾草處理組無顯著差異(1.30、1.27 及 1.38;P > 0.05)。在乳組成方面,四組飼糧處理組泌乳羊在乳脂、乳蛋白、乳糖、乳總固形物及體細胞數上均無顯著差異(P > 0.05)。 綜合而言,多年生花生、花生藤可以取代苜蓿乾草做為泌乳羊芻料應用而無負面影響;太陽麻造成泌乳羊採食量及乳產量下降,但並不影響乳品質,且飼糧利用效率相近於苜蓿乾草,仍具有取代的價值。


綠肥作物 副產物 泌乳羊


In traditional animal industry, farmers used many kinds of agricultural by-products to rear cattles and goats. Agricultural by-products and green manure could be offered as forage to ruminants. The purpose of this study is to evaluate perennial peanut, peanut stover, and sunn hemp as forage replacement for dairy goats. Using a 4×4 Latin square experimental design, four Alpine dairy goats kept in individual metabolism cages were assigned randomly to four treatments contained alfalfa hay, perennial peanut, peanut stover, or sunn hemp, respectively, in combination with concentrate at a 50:50 ratio (DM basis). Four treatment rations were formulated to be isonitrogenous (CP = 18%). Each experiment period included a 10-day adaptation period and a 4-day sampling period. Goats in sunn hemp group had significantly lower dry matter (DM) intake than perennial peanut and peanut stover groups (P < 0.05). DM intake of alfalfa hay, perennial peanut, peanut stover, and sunn hemp groups were 1486, 1529, 1557, and 1395 g/day, respectively. No significant treatment difference was observed in organic matter (OM) intake. Because goats in sunn hemp group picked leaves to eat, the proportion of protein intake is higher than the other groups. Goats in alfalfa hay group had significantly higher ether extract (EE) intake than the other groups, and had significantly higher non-fiber carbohydrate (NFE) intake than perennial peanut and sunn hemp group. Perennial peanut group had significantly lower DM digestibility and higher acid detergent fiber (ADF) digestibility than alfalfa hay group (P < 0.05). OM, crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), EE, and starch digestibility was similar in perennial peanut and alfalfa hay group. No significant treatment difference was observed in DM, OM, CP, NDF, ADF, EE, and starch digestibility in peanut stover and alfalfa hay groups. Sunn hemp group had significantly higher NDF and ADF digestibility (P < 0.05). No significant treatment difference was observed in DM, OM, CP, EE, and starch digestibility in sunn hemp and alfalfa hay groups. No significantly difference was observed in daily NEl intake. Milk yields in alfalfa hay, perennial peanut, peanut stover, and sunn hemp groups were 2036, 1986, 1948, and 1761 g/day, respectively. Peanut stover group (1.25) had significantly lower feed efficiency than alfalfa group. Perennial peanut (1.30) and sunn hemp (1.27) groups had no significant different in feed efficiency with alfalfa hay group (1.38) (P > 0.05). There was no significant treatment difference in milk fat, milk protein, lactose, and total solid contents. In conclusion, perennial peanut and peanut stover can replace alfalfa hay as forage without negative effect on dairy goat. Although DMI and milk production were lower in sunn hemp group, the feed efficiency was similar to other treatments.


Green manure By-product Dairy goat


Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 2000. Official Method of Analysis. 18th Associations of Official Analytical Chemists. AOAC International, Arlington, Virginia, USA.


