  • 學位論文


The Politics of Princesses in Early Medieval China

指導教授 : 李貞德


本論文所謂「公主政治」,即指環繞公主而生的各種政治生態所表露的權力關係。主要說明漢唐之間的公主,因為獲得制度與文化兩方面的支持,因此才擁有權力運作的空間,使得中古時期公主預政的現象數見不鮮。 本論文第二章〈皇王託體:公主身分的建構與其家族認同〉,一方面從貫時性的視角來界定享有公主名號的研究對象;另一方面則企圖利用服喪禮議及朝臣時論,來檢視公主的身分性質與社會定位。第三章〈湯沐之資:漢晉南北朝公主的經濟基礎〉,則分別利用銘文及簡牘來理解漢家公主與湯沐邑之間的關係;也透過追索「水碓」及「邸舍」的相關記載,還原魏晉南北朝公主參與莊園經濟的實態,以為接下來的政治表現張本。第四章〈上附金枝:魏晉南北朝的尚主政治〉,藉由將主婿分類列表的方式,觀察兩晉南北朝不同的政治情勢,如何影響主婿的選尚及仕宦,探討以公主為媒介所建立的政治關係。第五章〈出入宮掖:公主預政的空間與權力基礎〉,則引入空間分析的概念,分別探索公主以戚屬或正式女官的身分,在公主第或內廷後殿中預政的行為及權力基礎。 本論文希望能結合政治史、制度史及家庭史,書寫一段以女性為中心的政治文化史。從中可知,制度不但賦予公主政治活動的空間,也讓她們能有豐富的資本為後盾。同時在家天下的政治格局中,家事與國事很難截然二分,宗室身為皇家成員,又背負了雙重的政治責任。公主也以家事的名義,擴展她所能置喙的事務,從而名正言順地在家國界線模糊的領域內參與政治,在實質上發揮所謂「情兼家國」的效果。然而正因為公主預政是基於家庭倫理與家居情感而生,所以很難超脫父系家族倫理的限制,只能利用制度及文化所提供的非正式權力,游走於文化結構的間隙之間。可見魏晉南北朝時期,在儒家規範尚未取得宰制地位的情況下,種族、階級與地域等種種複雜的因素,更形強化性別與階級之間,互相制衡與緊張的狀況。


公主制度 駙馬 女兒 權力 空間 情兼家國


This thesis aims to demonstrate and analyze the interwoven aspects in reference to the politics of Princesses. The concept of “The politics of Princesses” in this thesis refers to the power status surrounding the Princesses in various political circumstances. These recurrent interventions of Princesses in political affairs were based on the premises originated from imperial institutions as well as cultural concepts. Chapter One represents as an introduction, covering the estimation of precedent research works and methodological concerns of the thesis. Chapter Two firstly defines the title of “Princess” (Gong-zhu 公主) from a diachronic study. Secondly, it evaluates the identity and social role of a Princess by looking into the mourning rituals and regarding disputes made by government officials at the time. Chapter Three is regarded the economical resource of Princesses from Han to Tang. It elucidates the correspondence between Princesses and their fiefs in Han Dynasty by reading bronze inscriptions and bamboo strips. Then, implying from records about hydraulic pestles (Shui-dui 水碓) and pawnshops (Di-she 邸舍) , this study constructs the history of Princesses being involved in the manorial system in Early Medieval China. The above are all crucial elements to understand the political status of Princesses in that time. The forth chapter discusses how Princesses, as a media, influenced the political situation during Early Medieval China by comparing the selection of consorts and the following development of their political careers in tables. With the concept of space, Chapter Five focuses on Princesses’ behaviors and given authorities in their residences or in imperial courts. And it examines that how they wielded their power to intercede with the authorities as imperial relatives or female officials respectively. The final chapter serves as a conclusion which contributes to fuller comprehension of the system about Princesses in Early Medieval China. It also reiterates that the Princesses who interfered in political affairs were not isolated phenomena, but a series of successive status quo in that time. The thesis intends to illustrate a political and cultural “herstory” by combining the perspective of political, institutional and family history. It appears that the imperial system provided not only the room for political activities, but also the economic resources to the Princesses. Under the imperial political system, there was a blurring line between domestic business and state affairs. Therefore, Princesses could encroach on issues on the obscure demarcation between family and state, as well as take the responsibilities for their family and state in reality like their male imperial members did. Resorting support to familial bonds is like a double-edged sword. It is true that the power which Princesses possessed was offered by the imperial institutions and was rather culturally recognized. However, they could only flounder in the cultural framework because it was hard to go beyond the patriarchal limitations. With the cases of Princesses, this study concludes that when Confucianism not spreading, the sophisticated factors composed of ethnicities, classes and regions in Early Medieval China formed the system of check and balance between gender and class.



