  • 學位論文


The study of non-chemical managements on biting midge, Forcipomyia taiwana

指導教授 : 黃榮南


台灣鋏蠓 (Forcipomyia taiwana) 目前已成為台灣地區重要之衛生害蟲,防治技術研發迫在眉睫,本篇研究著重於非傳統化學防治法,包括 (一) 藻類抑制劑之研究;(二) 台灣鋏蠓忌避劑之研究;(三) 台灣鋏蠓誘引產卵基質之研究。 (一) 抑制藍綠藻的滋生可有效延緩幼蟲發育所需之天數,並降低族群增長之機會,將玉米桿、稻草桿與牧草桿三種植物灰燼與小球藻 (Chlorella sp.) 進行共同培養試驗,結果顯示小球藻生長受抑制程度與灰燼之濃度呈現劑量反應關係,當三種植物灰燼於0.04 % 濃度,可使小球藻於 5 天內之生長受到 90 % 以上之抑制。 (二) 測試天然植物台灣藜 (Chenopodium formosanum) 之葉片與種子粗萃取液與兩種已被證實對庫蠓具有忌避效果的之物質犛牛兒基丙酮 (geranylacetone, GA)、6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-酮 (6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, 6MHO) 對台灣鋏蠓之忌避效果。結果顯示台灣藜之葉片、種子萃取物、GA與GA+6MHO 混合液在1 % 濃度下,皆對台灣鋏蠓雌成蟲具有極佳的忌避效果 (100 %);且GA 在0.0016 % 濃度下,即具有80 % 以上之忌避效果。此外,台灣蔾葉片萃取液於1 % 濃度下具有 2.5 小時的保護效果,而台灣蔾種子萃取物與GA + 6MHO混合液在1 % 濃度下忌避時間可長達 3 小時。(三) 利用固相微萃取 (Solid phase microextraction, SPME)技術與氣相層析質譜儀(gas chromatography - mass spectrometry, GC-MS)分析魚腥藻 (Anabaena sp.)、顫藻 (Oscillatoria sp.) 兩種藍藻,與綠藻類之小球藻 (Chlorella sp.) 揮發氣味分析,發現四種對雙翅目昆蟲具有誘引產卵能力之物質:二甲基二硫 (dimethyl disulfide)、甲基萘 (methylnathlene)、十六烷酸 (hexadecanoic acid) 與丁酸 (butanoic acid),而經由實驗結果發現甲基萘在 100 ppm 之濃度下具有誘引台灣鋏蠓產卵之效果,誘引產卵率為64 %,且所誘得之卵數顯著高於對照組。


Biting midge, Forcipomyia taiwana, is one of the most annoying blood-sucking pest in Taiwan. This study aimed on the non-chemical control strategy. There are three strategies proposed: 1. to inhibit the growth of blue green algae, 2. to investigate the repellent of the biting midge and 3. to investigate the oviposition attractant substrate for the biting midge. 1. Previous study suggested that the blue green algae were the best diet to larvae, therefore, inhibiting the algae growth represented the strategy for F. taiwana control. Current studies showed that three kinds of plant ash refined from corn stalk, rice stalk and herbage stalk dose-dependently inhibited the growth of Chlorella sp. The growth of Chlorella was inhibited up to 90% in the presence of 0.04 % ash, indicating that plant ashes are potential agents for Chlorella algae control. 2. The extract of djulis (Chenopodium formosanum) and two human-derived odors (geranylacetone (GA), 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one (6MHO) ) were investigated for their repellent effect on F. taiwana. The results showed that methanol extract of djulis leaf and seed, GA and GA+6MHO exhibit 100% repellency to F. taiwana at 1% concentration. The repellency of GA and GA+6MHO could even reach 80% at the lowest concentration 0.0016%. The repellent effect could last around 2.5 hr and 3 hr. at the concentration of 1% djulis extract and GA + 6MHO, respectively. 3. To assess the ovipositional attractants, the vapor odors of blue-green algae were identified by using solid phase microextraction (SPME) and gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The results showed that methylnathlene which was identified from Oscillatoria sp. was the most effective attractants for F. taiwana oviposition (attraction rate 64.0%).


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