  • 學位論文


Zircon U-Pb Dating Constraint on the Formation Age of Metamorphic Rocks in the Suao-Nanao Area, Northern Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳文山


大南澳片岩出露於中央山脈東部,為台灣最古老的岩層,由原本的沉積岩和火成岩經過變質作用而成的各種片岩與大理岩組成,夾有角閃岩、蛇紋岩以及花崗片麻岩體。因本區變質岩受多次變質與變形作用,岩層分布與接觸關係頗為複雜,且化石與同位素定年資料不足,使得層位上下關係不易判斷。 碎屑鋯石年代反映沉積岩層其沉積物來源之原岩年代,沉積岩中最年輕的鋯石年齡則可能與沉積年代相近或較老,本研究嘗試利用此方法討論各岩層的沉積年代。討論地層包括蘇澳層、南蘇澳層、東澳片岩、南澳嶺片岩、武塔片岩、飯包尖山片麻岩等地層,採樣之岩石種類包括:變質砂岩、石英雲母片岩、綠色片岩、片麻岩、角閃岩、變質火山碎屑岩。各地層最年輕碎屑鋯石鈾鉛定年年代如下:蘇澳層為28.3±1 Ma;南蘇澳層為26.4±1 Ma;東澳片岩為89±4 Ma(綠色片岩)與74±2 Ma(石英雲母片岩);南澳嶺片岩為143±3 Ma(綠色片岩)與87±2 Ma(石英雲母片岩);武塔片岩為113±2 Ma(綠色片岩)與166±4 Ma(變質火山碎屑岩);飯包尖山片麻岩為92±2 Ma。由結果推測蘇澳層至少為漸新世,南蘇澳層至少為漸新世,東澳片岩與飯包尖山片麻岩至少為白堊紀晚期,武塔片岩至少為侏儸紀中期至白堊紀早期,本研究並將南澳嶺片岩分別歸於東澳片岩與武塔片岩。 從可能地層年代探討地質演化,武塔片岩於侏儸紀中期開始堆積,與楓樹山角閃岩可能為不整合或斷層接觸。白堊紀晚期飯包尖山片麻岩(花崗岩)與源頭山片麻岩(花崗岩)侵入武塔片岩,之後東澳片岩可能整合沉積於武塔片岩之上。 東澳片岩沉積之後(≦74±2 Ma),台灣地區進入南澳造山運動,中生代岩層產生變質作用形成大南澳片岩;新生代以來,第三紀沉積岩層(南蘇澳層、蘇澳層)不整合堆積於大南澳片岩之上,並於中新世晚期受到蓬萊造山運動作用,形成輕度變質的板岩與變質砂岩。


大南澳片岩 鋯石 鈾鉛定年


The Tananao Schist, located in the northern Central Range, is considered as the oldest formation in Taiwan. It is mainly composed of schist, marble, amphibolite, and granitic gneiss. Because of the complicated tectonic and metamorphic history, and the lack of fossils and radiometric dating, it’s hard to confirm the relationship between formation age and occurrence. U-Pb ages of detrital zircon represent the age of sediment source, and the youngest age may be close to or older than the formation age. Therefore, we try to use zircon U-Pb dating to discuss the formation age.We collected samples from the Suao Formation, the Nansuao Formation, the Tungao Schist, the Nanaoling Schist, the Wuta Schist, and the Fangpouchienshan Gneiss along the Suhua highway which include metasandstone, quartz-mica schist, green schist, metamorphic pyroclastics, gneiss and amphibolite. The youngest age of detrital zircon from each formation shows in below: metasandstone the Suao Formation—28.3±1 Ma, the Nansuao Formation—26.4±1 Ma, the Tungao Schist—89±4 Ma (green schist) and 74±2 Ma (quartz-mica schist), the Nanaoling Schist—143±3 Ma (green schist) and 87±2 Ma (quartz-mica schist), the Wuta Schist—113±2 Ma (green schist) and 166±4 Ma (metamorphic pyroclastics), the Fangpouchienshan Gneiss—92±2 Ma. From result extrapolation, the Suao Formation and the Nansuao Formation may be close to or younger than the late Oligocene; the Tungao Schist and the Fangpouchienshan Gneiss may be close to or younger than late Cretaceous; the Wuta Schist may be close to middle Jurassic to early Cretaceous. And we classified the Nanaoling Schist to the Tungao Schist and the Wuta Schist.


Tananao Schist zircon U-Pb dating


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