  • 學位論文


The Study of Spatial Distribution and Development of Information Service Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林建元


資訊力為城市競爭力之一環,尤其是對都市經濟活動與生活服務的影響。全球化及產業結構的變遷使產業邁入低價格、低利潤的「微利時代」,而資訊產業為了因應這樣的時代轉變,政府和廠商不再是以產品的銷售量或降低成本為考量,而是透過產品的應用及其附加價值,或提供客戶所需要的客製化產品作為市場上的區隔,在此契機下,資訊服務業逐漸成為產業中不可缺少的一環,本研究目的係探討臺灣地區資訊服務業產業空間群聚情形,以及建立資訊服務業產業空間發展指標系統。 資訊服務業的定義為『依客戶的實際需求,以資訊技術結合專業領域知識提供組織或個人的資訊系統及相關服務』,其產業範疇包括『電腦系統設計服務業』及『資料處理及資訊供應服務業』兩大項。資訊服務業產業空間發展指標系統的建構是透過文獻回顧及整理作為基礎,整個指標體系可包括六大構面:IT基礎建設(4指標)、人力資源(4指標)、商業環境(5指標)、研發環境(6指標)、知識密集程度(3指標)市場需求(3指標),並利用因素分析法計算各構面指標的權重值。 經由本研究可得出臺灣地區資訊服務業產業發展具有以下特性:1. 臺灣地區資訊服務業發展順序先以台北市為發展核心,次為台中市及高雄市發展條件較為健全之縣市,再來才是以台北市為中心之相鄰縣市為發展的據點。2. 臺灣地區資訊服務業廠商的資本額較低,大型的資訊服務業廠商會選擇在北部地區設立據點;而中南部地區的資訊服務業幾乎為中小型企業。3. 直轄市資訊服務業之發展要素與資源均高於其他縣市。4. 北部地區縣市資訊服務業的產業競爭力高於其他地區縣市。最後本研究建議北部地區縣市較適合資訊服務業作為主要發展的空間,以利整合各種要素及資源;而中、南部地區縣市則適合以地區型產業為主要服務對象,累積產業的領域知識以強化其競爭優勢。


The information power is one of the key factors of city competitiveness that it has directly influenced economic activities and quality of life of a city. The purpose of this study is to analyze the spatial clustering of information service industry in Taiwan, and to develop an indicator system for the information service industry. The information service industry is defined as "…depend on the customer's actual need, combine the professional realm knowledge with the information technique to provide the organization or individual information system and related service", its industry category includes two main categories of "the computer system design service industry " and" data processing and the information supply service industry " The spatial development index system of information service industry includes six dimensions, namely, IT infrastructure, human resources, business environment, R & D environment, knowledge-intensive and market demand. Major findings of this research are summarized as follows: 1. Information service industry started the spatial clustering from Taipei, and then to Taichung and Kaohsiung, and then the surrounding areas of Taipei. 2. Large-scale information service companies mainly cluster in the northern region, and SMEs are scattering in central and southern regions. 3. The information service industry survive better in city areas. 4.The information service industry in northern region shows higher competitiveness than other region county. To enhance city competitiveness, this study suggests cities adopt a friendly spatial development strategy to encourage the development of information service industry.


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