  • 學位論文


Study of Methodology of Teaching the Physics of Planar Motion in High Schools

指導教授 : 伍次寅


本論文主旨在探討高中物理平面運動的教學方法,希望解決教師與學生於課程中教學與學習的困擾。本研究的流程,首先從教育部於民國97年發布的「普通高級中學課程綱要」、民國95到98年普通高級中學課程暫行綱要(95暫綱),以及民國84到94年的高級中學課程標準綱要(84課綱)分析高中物理平面運動所面臨的困境,以此結論為出發設計課程教案,在課前增加三角函數以及向量的教學,並分析學生由於課程不同階段的精神狀態的改變造成學習成效的差異選擇不同教學方法,並使用在本研究所設定的實驗班級上,最後透過有無接受此教案的學生的物理期中考成績的差異,做為研究結果的分析依據。從本研究的結果顯示,高二上課程中的物理平面運動的課程需要使用大量的三角函數和向量,然而依照99數學課程綱要的排序,數學課同時在上三角函數,卻未上到向量,此問題將會影響到學生學習高中物理平面運動的課程。教學結果分析顯示,額外使用此教案的學生的物理期中考成績明顯優於學校班級的平均,此分析結果說明了課程綱要在編排上的缺漏,並顯示出此缺漏可以用課堂的教學補足。 關鍵詞:高中物理、平面運動、教學方法


The main topic of this essay is about the teaching methods of the topic of planar motion in senior high school in order to solve the problems between teachers and students. At the beginning, the difficulties are pointed out when students learn the topic of planar motion by analyzing the curriculum guidelines of senior high school from 1995 to 2010. And then, some teaching planes are designed to improve the learning experience of high school students when they learn the lesson of planar motion. In the teaching plane, the teaching of trigonometric and vectors background are added before class and choose suitable teaching methods according to the different mental state of students in learning. This teaching plan have been used in a selected experimental class. Finally, to analyze the effects from the physic midterm exam scores of the experimented class students. From the results of this article, learning planar motion in the beginning of first semester of second grades needs trigonometric and vectors background. However, in curriculum guideline of senior high school, trigonometric is being taught at the same time and vector is taught at the end of this semester. Students learn planar motion without mathematical tools. It is one of the learning difficulties. It can be improved by using some teaching methods. The average of midterm exam scores of experimental class is higher than that of other class. It is said that the difficulties in the teaching outline can be improved by using some teaching methods. Keyword: senior high school physics, planar motion, teaching method


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