  • 學位論文


The Seen But Unspoken Truth: A Study of Contemporary Chinese Independent Documentary (2000 - 2015)

指導教授 : 林照真


中國自2000年後,DV攝影、剪輯器材的易取得性提升,開創個人影像(Personal-image)新時代來臨,是「自我授權」(Self-authorization)的開始。其中尤以新聞工作者、藝術家與知識份子率先投入獨立紀錄片(Independent documentary)製作,活絡民間公民意識,展現民間對「真實中國」的想像,直至2010年,蔚為中國獨立影像發展的黃金十年。 然隨中國自2012年政壇換屆開始,逐漸增強對網路訊息傳播的封鎖力度、打壓民間活動,促使社會氛圍趨於緊張,在中國特色社會主義的施行下,「意識形態國家機器」(Ideological state apparatuses)對媒介監管、官方對民間掌控不減反增,對獨立紀錄片工作者管控也越趨嚴厲,「因故取消」也逐漸成為中國獨立影展躲不過的宿命。研究者經赴中國北京、上海、南京、西安、廣州,五大城市進行田野調查,採訪三十位獨立紀錄片製作人、獨立策展人以及獨立影評人。 本論文透過參與觀察與深度訪談等研究方法,嘗試瞭解公民意識如何透過獨立影像來串聯與覺醒,進而聚焦瞭解工作者「能動性」(Agency)與生存心態(Habitus)。深刻瞭解紀錄片工作者於拍攝、放映、策展時,遭遇的困境、阻撓與心情,亦同時關注中國獨立紀錄片工作者堅持的力量,為何願意在政治與經濟夾縫中,以及精神壓力與生命受威脅下,仍突破重重難關,尋求記錄與發聲的機會。本研究試圖讓觀影者能深刻體會在「和諧中國」之外、在獨立鏡頭之後,那看不見的中國社會脈動。


Since 2000, the rising popularity and accessibility of DV and editing equipment in China made contributions to the arrival of Personal-image era, which marked the beginning of self-authorization. Particularly, journalists, artists and intellectuals took the lead in the making of independent documentary, which encouraged ideas of civic awareness. However, since 2012, Xi Jinping strengthens the blockade of Internet, and suppresses all kinds of civic activities, which leads to an intensive social atmosphere. Ideological state apparatuses were imposed upon the media, and the government tightens its control, especially on independent documentary workers. Based on particpating and interviewing people in five major Chinese cities, this study argues the development of independent documentary as an important factor in promoting democratic thinking in China. This paper focuses on independent documentary workers’ agency, outlining their survival trenched in political and economical hardships, as well as their stressful mental state and life-threatening condition as they break through obstacles to record and sound their voice. This essay reconstructs their experience through interviews. It will not only allow the audience to understand their sufferings, and experience their unrelenting persistence, but also have an in-depth understanding of Chinese social pulsation.


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