  • 學位論文


The Role of Cities Networks in Climate Change Governance

指導教授 : 葉俊榮


氣候變遷受到全球關注後,隨著議題的發展,全球治理的模式也產生了轉變。在過去國際環境法中多透過締結條約來進行全球性的議題治理,並以國家主權為中心的治理方式,由於氣候變遷議題大尺度、大規模但又對不同地區產生不同影響的特性,治理的主體也逐漸朝向多元化和去中心化發展。另外在氣候變遷談判陷入僵局後,許多城市為了有所突破紛紛主動採取超越自己國家的氣候變遷治理行動,甚至進一步出現了城市間的跨國聯盟。此種城市聯盟多利用軟法與自願承諾的模式,透過資訊技術交流、資金提供與遊說國家政府等策略對抗氣候變遷,與過去傳統國際環境法利用具有強制力與從上而下的規範有所差異。   本文欲透過觀察此種城市聯盟與發展,梳理不同類型城市聯盟間的差異和功能,分析在近來這種橫向而去中心化的治理模式對於全球的氣候變遷治理的影響。本文並希望進一步結合氣候變遷跨國治理與全球行政法理論,探討城市與城市聯盟中在氣候變遷治理時代的角色。   本文在觀察後發現城市聯盟的發展其實與國際對氣候議題的因應與治理是同時間進行的,代表了城市在認知與因應國際問題時的能力其實與國家無異。另外並提出了城市聯盟於因應氣候變遷領域中的主要幾種功能:1. 提供城市資訊交流與學習、能力建構;2. 遊說與影響國家和國際社會;3. 幫助城市獲取資金援助;4. 規則設定與指導。然而在城市聯盟對於其成員的管制上,並建立兩種模式:「協調支持模式」與「行動促進模式」後,再利用全球行政法理論檢視此兩種模式與目前的城市聯盟機制建構,認為目前城市聯盟所採取的管制手段都屬較彈性而強制力弱規範,但城市聯盟本身機制的程序與責信要求仍然有可以加強改善之處。未來若城市聯盟要有更強的管制效果,除了需要國家與國際的支持外,也必然需要更完整的機制與責信要求,並需要其他國際間的制衡與監督力量。


After Climate Change being recognized as an important issue, the normative system of global governance has also been changed. The traditional way of global governance through treaties or negotiation between countries cannot effectively solve problems of climate change, which are transcending national borders and having a lot of scientific uncertainties. To tackle these issues, there are more and more multi-layered actors to participate climate change governance and re-shape the global regulatory system. Along with the development of new global regulatory system, municipal governments become critical roles in the climate actions. Even though cities and local governments have no binding obligations to reduce greenhouse gases in the international treaties, many urban actors and cities actively took climate action like reducing greenhouse gases emissions and adopting adaptation measures to face global warming crisis, even forming cooperative networks between cities. These networks help to build the institutional capacity of municipalities to act on climate change and was described as a self-organizing and decentralizing structures. The cities networks gradually became new global governance tools in climate change, in addition to traditional hierarchical forms of regulation or control. This thesis discusses why cities networks were established and how they regulate cities in the context of climate change. Through reviewing different cities networks and analyzing their characteristics, the author also tries to connect the result of observation with the study of global administrate law to discuss the role of cities networks in global climate regulatory regime.  The author argues that, cities networks have few different functions to help cities dealing with climate change issue. Cities networks provide information exchange platforms to build the capacity of cities, and help cities to gain access to the funding programmes. They also represent city interests to lobby and influence national or international governments. They use soft regulations and give cities advices. After reviewing how cities networks engage in climate change, this thesis tries to build two regulation models of cities networks, and use the approach of global administrative law to analyze these models. The author argues that, if we want to empower cities networks more on climate change regime, the accountability of the cities networks needs to be improved.




