  • 學位論文


ROK – U.S. Alliance: The Colloquy of the Theory of Hegemonic Theory and the Alliance Theory

指導教授 : 張登及


本篇論文的研究是目的是試圖以「霸權穩定理論」以及「聯盟理論」檢視韓美同盟的變遷,並透過軍事、經濟以及政治三個面向的分析,歸結韓美同盟歷年來的變化,以及南韓在1950年之後和美國互動過程中的權力狀況,並結論哪個理論更適合用於分析韓美同盟。 本篇論文首先系統性的整理「霸權穩定理論」以及「聯盟理論」的系譜脈絡,歸納出兩理論的獨特以及重疊之處,並試圖以指標檢視在兩理論重疊的狀況下該如何分析案例。而本篇論文的案例則分別為三個不同時期下的韓美同盟。第一個時期為南韓甫建政時的李承晚時期,第二個為朴正熙時期,第三個則為金大中—盧武鉉時期。此三個時期都是全球秩序及區域秩序改變的當口:在第一個時期中,南韓剛脫離被殖民狀態國力極弱,而全球秩序屬於兩極體系,南韓歸屬於自由主義陣營而美國則是自由主義陣營之首;到朴正熙時期,則是全球體系從緊密兩極過渡到鬆散兩極的過程,隨著美國在越南過度用兵、日本的經濟復甦,韓美同盟的互動模式也同時受到影響;最後,在金大中盧武鉉時期,2001年的911恐攻以及2004年韓國貿易夥伴的變化,都改變了韓美的互動方式。 由於此三個時期的變動狀況,讓韓美兩方為了守護自身國家利益必須相互角力,權力施展的狀況更為明顯,也讓理論在分析案例時更具有施展的空間。透過霸權穩定理的分析,不僅展現了霸權權力在全球、區域以及內政層次上的起伏;而聯盟理論則也透析了在不同權力消長的時期,雙方對於彼此同盟形態的認知以及互動狀況。


This thesis discusses the transition of the ROK–U.S. alliance and the alliance as such using the following two theories: the theory of hegemonic stability and the Alliance Theory. Chapter 1 outlines the purpose, the structure, and the literature review of the research. Chapter 2 discusses the two theories underlying this research. It attempts to re-conceptualize the theories while analyzing the unique and overlapping areas of the two theories. Furthermore, this chapter sets up the standards by which to inspect the appropriation of these theories. Chapter 3 deals with the first period under examination: the ROK under Syngman Rhee. This chapter will compare the different strategies and attitudes Syngman Rhee adopted in dealing with the United States and the tactics used by the United States to control the ROK and interfere with the interior political issues of the ROK. Chapter 4 examines the Park Chung-Hee era, during which the ROK gradually gained its economic independence. Consequently, the ROK developed greater bargaining power in dealing with the United States and the government of the ROK also demonstrated its intention to develop its own defense policies. Chapter 5 covers the Kim Dae-Jung and Roh Moo-Hyun era, during which the interaction of these two nations shifted fundamentally. The reason for this shift can be attributed to the economic strength that the ROK has gained from the 1970s onwards, especially after 2004, the year when China officially became the first economic partner of the ROK followed by the United States. This astonishing change in the economic partnerships caught the attention of the United States officials and forced them to rethink their economic strategies in the ROK. The citizens of ROK also started to consider the war crimes committed by the United States army and the appropriateness of the interference of the United States. Furthermore, the criminal behaviors of the USFK soldiers also triggered anti-American sentiments among ROK citizens, resulting in an eventual disruption of the two nations’ civil connections and a decrease in the effectiveness of the United States. The final chapter provides a conclusion to the thesis and analyzes the transition of the ROK–U.S. alliance. It also lays the standards to conduct further studies for fellow researchers.


Suk, Chin-Ha and James L. Morrison. 1987. “South Korea’s Participation in the Vietnam War: A Historiographical Essay,” Korea Observer 18(3): 270-316.
