  • 學位論文


The Trade Union Regime in Post-State Corporatism Period-The Change of Confederation of Trade Unions in Organization and Function

指導教授 : 黃長玲


國民黨政府在戒嚴時期為了預先將勞工階級去動員,乃積極協助成立工會以先佔工會,並建構了一元化且階層化等具統合主義形式的組織架構。由於國民黨政府組織工會,僅是為了服務自身統治的需求,故無意讓勞工階級藉由工會表達利益,這使得解嚴前的工會體制僅徒具國家統合主義的形式,而無實際利益中介的功能。但隨著解嚴與民主化,行動者開始挑戰黨國對於工會的控制,工會逐漸自主化。到了90年代,自主工會並進一步集結,從縣市開始成立產業總工會,並在2000年成立全國級的產業總工會,終打破了國民黨政府對工會體制組織架構的箝制。台灣的工會體制自此進入後國家統合主義時期。   然而,台灣的工會體制在擺脫了國家統合主義的框架之後,後續制度演變仍有待進一步釐清。是以本文提出四個問題:是否曾經趨向社會統合主義的制度設計?變遷的途徑為何?時至2010年,台灣工會體制的組織架構與功能又為何?是什麼原因造就了現在的模樣?本文將從歷史制度論的角度,探究產業總工會在後國家統合主義時期,組織架構與功能的變遷軌跡。   本文指出,90年代無疑是個關鍵時刻(critical juncture),當時行動者對制度的抉擇影響了後續制度的發展。首先,90年代行動者籌組產業總工會的運動,符合社會統合主義由下而上整合的定義。而一些行動者,因為資源的考量而讓國公營事業工會直接成為全產總的會員工會,使得全產總與縣市產總漸漸地分別代表不同性質的產業勞工。在組織架構無法有效達成利益中介的情況下,「差異」演變為「衝突」,促使制度變遷,組織架構「離散」,最終「分立」為全產總與團結工聯等兩個動員系統。


In order to demobilize the working class during the martial law period, the KMT government established trade unions to preempt the system and formed a unitary, hierarchically ordered institutional frame for unions with corporate shape. From the perspective of KMT government, the organization of unions was not for working class to express their interests but a tool to safeguard its own authority. As a result, before the martial law was lifted, the unions belonged to a corporate regime without function of mediating interests. After the abolition of martial law and as democratization began, activists tried to challenge the party state’s control in trade unions and formed autonomous unions of their own. These autonomous unions gathered during 1990s and established alliances on the county/city level; finally they formed a national alliance in 2000, Taiwan Confederation of Trade Unions, which was a blow for party state’s trade union system. Since then, Taiwan's trade union regime entered the next period: post-state corporatism. However, how the trade union regime has been evolving in the post-state corporatism era is still unclear. This project thus lays out four questions: has the institutional design of Taiwan’s trade union regime ever evolved toward the ideal of social corporatism? Which path has been taken? How the organization of Taiwan’s trade union regime works and what are their functions now in 2010? What factors have made the present form? This project set out from historical institutional perspectives, inquiring into the changing trajectory of Confederation of Trade Unions during the post-state corporatism period. This paper points out that 90s is the critical juncture. Some agents made influential choice which leaded to the follow-up institutional path. First, the movement that aimed to the establishment of Confederation of trade unions conforms to the definition of social corporatism, integrating interests “from bottom to up.” Nevertheless, in order to secure resources, some agents let the unions of state-owned enterprises become direct member of Taiwan’s Confederation of Trade Unions. The result was that the confederation of trade unions on national level represented workers of different interests from those on county/city level. Since the organization failed to intermediate all the workers’ interests, “difference” among the workers easily turned into “conflict,” which promoted institutional change. After that, the organization “discretized”, and finally “separated” into two mobilization systems, the Solidarity and Taiwan Confederation of Trade Unions.




