  • 學位論文


From Cradle to Society: Stories about“New Second Generation”in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張錦華 林照真


目前台灣的新移民第二代,人數已經超過35萬人。現在這群人被簡稱為「新二代」。其中,社會觀感差異最大的莫過於東南亞的新二代。 在本深度報導論文中,受訪的東南亞新二代多數超過18歲。透過他們的成長回憶,可以感受到兒時與現在的社會觀感,有很大的差別。早期有關東南亞新二代的報導,總是聚焦在他們的中文差、遲緩兒或是清寒苦讀的形象,無形中讓新二代貼上弱勢的標籤。近年來隨著新二代進入學校、社會的人數增加,再加上東南亞熱潮的興起,鎂光燈又再度轉向新二代。不同的是,這回他們成為搶手的雙語優勢人才。 除了新二代成長過程中的心路歷程外,本報導也探討了他們在自我認同上的轉變與追尋,以及在南向熱潮後,新二代的處境轉變。 東南亞新二代一路走來,都曾感受到偏見與歧視。有些人選擇隱藏身份;有些人則正面回應。時至今日,多數的新二代們多認為社會環境已更加多元、友善,他們最終仍希望能去除標籤,成為一個不一樣、也一樣的普通人。


Amid the rise in new immigrants over the years, there are now over 350,000 second generation members of new immigrant families. The public usually named these second generation, especially the ones whose foreign parent is from Southeast Asia, the “New Second Generation (NSG)”. Public perception on the New Second Generation is mired in controversy. Media used to focus on their learning performances, health conditions, or financial circumstances, and label them as the disadvantaged people that have poor language skills, mental retardations, and living in bad economic conditions. As there are more NSG go to school, get involved in the society, and the implantation of “New Southbound Policy”, the NSG become one of the most popular talents in the country. Many NSG grew up in an unfriendly environment that their relatives, classmates, teachers, and even strangers discriminated them. To deal with these kinds of unfriendly treatments, some of the NSGs chose to hide their identity; however, others faced it in a positive way. The concept that NSG would express the meaning “We are the same, yet we are all special.” This in-depth report focuses on NSG that are above 18 years old and concerns the progress and the development of NSG’s internal struggle and self-identity on their way of growing up. Fortunately, most NSG now think that the society becomes friendly and open to the diversity of human. Thus, NSG will be able to remove those labels made by misunderstanding.


趙彥寧(2004)。〈現代性想像與國境管理的衝突:以中國婚姻移民女性為研究案例〉。《台灣社會學刊》,32:59-102 。
