  • 學位論文


How the design of science communication message influence audience's comprehension

指導教授 : 林維真


在大數位時代背景下,有別於以往,各式媒體資源以多元化形式呈現,人們獲得資訊的主要管道方式亦逐漸轉變。台灣網路資訊中心(TWNIC)2015年網路使用調查,揭露我國民眾上網率年年升高,越來越仰賴網路管道取得資訊,其中,大學生群體網路媒體的使用率遠高於電視、報紙、雜誌與廣播。然而,儘管在高網路使用率尋求資訊行為的情況下,大學生的科學素養程度似乎並沒有相對地提高。PISA強調具備科學素養不僅是科學知識的獲得,更重要的是在生活中運用科學知識的能力。因此,對於一個成熟的公民社會而言,如何推動民眾在日常生活中保持對於科學的關心及參與,具有相當的指標性意義。而科學閱讀的落實即成為培養公民科學素養的重要奠基,促使大眾可以知曉且接受科學新知,並樂於運用其在日常生活中。 在新時代網路多媒體環境中,網際網路已經成為資訊傳播和知識擴散的主要載體。以往的科普訊息普遍以紙本為主要的傳播載體,近年以來,因科技快速發展使然,帶動數位閱讀及多媒體學習的風潮,科普知識不論是呈現形式或學習者取得媒體管道皆朝向多元化及數位化的方向發展,閱讀的範疇從文字擴及到範圍更大的影音文本。然而,從不同科普文本傳播形式中,雖可以從中觀察到科普性質的共同性,但經由不同的傳播形式與管道,科普訊息的閱聽者與傳遞的內容性質卻不為相同,且閱聽者主題涉入感的高低影響閱聽效果。從多媒體學習角度來看,訊息的設計優劣影響學習者之學習成效及認知負荷,且具備不同認知處理風格的特性亦影響學習者學習效果的因素之一。 因此,本研究將以網路平台數位閱讀的角度切入,探究探討科普訊息設計對大專生閱讀理解與認知負荷的影響,意圖了解具備不同認知風格及主題涉入感的大專生,在閱讀不同版面呈現方式,以及不同內容呈現順序的料理科普文本時,其閱讀理解與認知負荷的表現。 本研究首先針對現存之料理科普文本進行內容與版面的分析,根據分析結果設計四大類別之料理科普文本呈現案例作為閱讀實驗素材。閱讀實驗設計採準實驗設計,在閱讀實驗進行前,以量表測量參與者之認知風格及科普訊息主題涉入程度,之後隨機分派為四組,分別閱讀四種類不同版面與文本結構之料理科普文本。閱讀實驗結束後,則使用問卷工具調查並測量參與者的閱讀理解表現與認知負荷。 研究結果發現,不論是學習者的認知風格與主題涉入感,或是文本的版式設計與文本結構,對於學習者的閱讀理解上沒有顯著的影響性。但單從認知負荷面向來看,學習者的認知風格與主題涉入感對於學習者的認知負荷產生顯著的影響性,而文本版式設計與文本結構則是經由認知負荷中介反應在閱讀理解上。


Under the current digital age, media resources are presented in various ways, which is different from that past, and ways to obtain new information are evolving as well. According to the research in internet usage from TWNIC in 2015, it was observed that the popularity rate of internet access is inclining every year, and internet is relied heavily especially in college students compare with other media, such as television, newspaper, magazines, and radio. However, scientific literacy of college students doesn’t seem to increase under such high popularity rate of internet access. PISA emphasizes that scientific literacy is not only having scientific knowledge but also knowing how to utilize this kind of knowledge in daily life. Therefore, it is significant to promote interests and raise the participation in the public regarding to science in daily life. And the implementation of scientific reading becomes the important foundation for the development of civic scientific literacy, which enables the public to understand and accept scientific knowledge and willing to use in daily basis. In the modern era of multimedia environment, internet has become the main carrier of information dissemination and knowledge diffusion. In the past, popular science information generally used paper as the main carrier of communication. In recent years, due to the rapid growth of science and technology which bring up the trend of digital reading and multimedia learning, the scope of reading is extending from text only to a broader range of audio and video text. Through the different forms of popular science text, we can observe the common nature of popular science, but the content received by the audience is not the same as the content transmitted, moreover, the subject involvement of audience has impacts in the reading effect. From the point of view of multimedia learning, the design of information influences learners ' learning effectiveness and cognitive loading, and different cognitive processing styles can also have influences in learning effectiveness. The intention of this study is to explore the influence of popular science information design to college students’ reading comprehension and cognitive loading and to understand the expressions of these students who have different cognitive styles and subject involvement when they read cuisine science text in different layouts and presentation order. In this study, we first analyze the content and layout of the existing popular science text, and then design four categories of cuisine science text as the reading experiment material based on the analysis result. This reading experiment is planned in quasi experiment design. Before the experiment starts, participants’ cognitive styles and popular science subject involvement are scaled and then divided into four groups which read cuisine science text in four kinds of different layouts and structures. After finishing the reading experiment, the questionnaire is used to measure the reading comprehension and cognitive loading of the participants. The results of the study show that there is no significant influence on the leaners’ reading comprehension by their cognitive styles and subject involvement or the layouts and structures of the text. But from the perspective of cognitive loading, learners’ cognitive styles and subject involvement have a significant impact on their cognitive loading, while the layouts and structures have mediation impact on cognitive loading.


周珮儀(2015)。從認知心理學探究教科書插圖設計及其教學轉化。教科書研究(Journal of Textbook Research),8(2),139-174。
