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Advisor : 李嗣涔


雖然手指識字的運作機制尚未明朗,但近年已經進入有關於「信息場」的研究。透過手指識字所發現的信息場,是超越現象界三度空間外的另一種存在,是一個看不見的世界,充滿了「信息」。 本研究延續先前的生理電信號的量測,了解個案在屏幕開啟時間變長之後,是否能夠找到特殊的電生理反應。分析結果明確指出手指識字的屏幕效應產生時,與大腦皮質的電生理活動並沒有明顯的關係,意謂手指識字運作機制的探討可能必須走向新的層次。 此外,在實驗過程中意外發現磁場會干擾受試者所「看見」的影像。若手持紙條放在磁鐵上進行實驗,所「看見」的影像有形變的情形,且在磁鐵S極的放大現象特別明顯,在N極較無變化或縮小,表示手指識字的「心物合一」現象會受到物理量「磁場」的影響。綜合以上,可得初步結論:物理界的能量場可以影響意識與信息場的未知場,用一般人的說法,就是「看得見的世界可以影響看不見的世界」。

Parallel abstracts

Even though the principle of the finger-reading phenomenon is not clear, the research on the information field is still going on. The information field is an existence beyond the three-dimensional space of the material world; it is invisible and full of “information”. This study continues the previous finger-reading research on the electro-physiological signals. The screen duration time of the subject in this study has been lengthened recently; experiments are designed to find out whether some specific responses occur when the screen effect comes up. The results indicate that the screen effect has no obvious relation to the electro-physiological activity of the cerebral cortex. It was found accidentally that the magnetic field could interfere with the finger-reading process. When subjects place hands near a magnet during the experiment, the image they “see” will deform. The magnifying effect of the magnetic field on the south pole is obvious. On the contrary, it is not apparent on the north pole. As a result, it is concluded that the magnetic field in physical world can influence the information field. In other words, the visible world can affect the invisible world.


[15] 李嗣涔、陳建德、唐大崙。由手指識字實驗辨識特殊神聖字彙所觀察到的異象。佛學與科學,2000; 1: 8-17。
[16] 李嗣涔。與信息場對話,佛學與科學,2002; 3: 68-79。
[3] 李嗣涔、石朝霖。人體潛能者之電磁現象及腦波特徵。《中國醫藥雜誌》,1997;8:1-14。
[4] 李嗣涔、石朝霖。手指識字研究。《中國醫藥雜誌》,1997; 8:1-14。
[1] 李嗣涔。手指識字(第三眼)之機制與相關生理檢測。《中國人體科學》,1996;6:105-113。
