  • 學位論文


Utilizing Virtual Reality and CFD in Indoor Environment Simulation

指導教授 : 陳俊杉


虛擬環境(Virtual Environment)廣泛地使用於呈現各種複雜的科學計算數據,將冗長的數據整理為視覺化的圖形,呈現於立體的空間之內。虛擬實境(Virtual Reality)則是構成虛擬環境的主要元素,它是一個發展成熟的概念技術,常利用於各種需要模擬操作的領域,提供人類與電腦之間溝通的介面,並強化電腦解決問題的能力,成為人與人之間互動的媒介,提供使用者有別於真實世界的模擬體驗。 本研究的目的在結合虛擬實境技術以及CFD商業分析軟體之後處理結果,實作一虛擬實境系統Virtual Environment Ventilation-VEV,提供使用者快速地建立虛擬環境,並且用視覺化的方式呈現各種不同環境變因之下,室內空間的環境變化資訊。本研究探討的環境資訊包括空間中的溫度(Temperature)、氣壓(Pressure)、空氣流速(Velocity)三種資訊,並且以三種方式-等值輪廓面(Iso-contour)、等值面(Iso-surface)、流線(streamline)實現環境因子視覺化之呈現,完整且直觀地表現室內空間的環境狀況。 為了要讓使用者能夠以浸入式的方式體驗虛擬環境,研究中搭配頭戴式顯示器(Head Mounted Display, HMD)以及追蹤器(Tracker)、手持式搖桿(Joystick)的操作,讓使用者可以最直覺的方式徜徉於虛擬實境的世界之中。 本研究最後將研發之VEV系統與現存之Phoenics後處理系統相互檢討之,經由實際測試,VEV系統具備Phoenics後處理所沒有的場景置換、場景瀏覽、硬體支援以及視覺效果等功能,並且維持一定程度的執行效率,提供有別於傳統CFD後處理之另種選擇。


Virtual Environments (VE) are widely used to visualize complex scientific data, which are often rendered as complex numerical representations plotted in space as three-dimensional forms. Virtual Reality (VR) forms today’s VE, which are used to simulation, communication, interaction, and provides the whole immersive environment to people. The main objective of this study is to develop a system-Virtual Environment Ventilation, VEV, which integrate the post process of CFD analysis and virtual reality technology to simulate a VE, that user can build environment fast and effectively. VEV has three ways-iso-contour, iso-surface and stream line -to visualize CFD result, which include temperature, pressure and air-velocity. VEV supports HMD (Head Mounted Display), tracker and joystick, so that users can manipulate VEV more instinctively and could enjoy more when they are using VEV. At last, we compared VEV with post process of Phoenics and knew that VEV has many features-it can change, go through virtual scene, support hardware other than mouse and keyboard and visualization result-that Phoenics doesn`t have.


Virtual Reality cfd Virtual Environment


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Choudhary, R. (2002). “A Methodology For Micro-Level Building Thermal Analysis: Combing CFD And Experimental Set-ups”, Seventh International IBPSA Conference, pp.1-8.


