  • 學位論文


Study on the Design of Submarine Pile Foundation in Offshore Wind Turbine

指導教授 : 蔡進發


風能是目前世界上最具未來性的再生能源,由於陸上風機會產生噪音、對環境產生衝擊及陸地風場的短缺,使得風力發電風場轉向離岸風場發展。在離岸的環境風場分佈均勻使得風機可以更有效率的運轉,但是離岸風場卻也增加了離岸風機的環境負載如海浪、海流及船隻的碰撞等。為了增加離岸風機運作的可靠度,離岸風機的基樁必需更審慎的研究,故本研究主要是分析離岸風機的基礎行為。 本研究以Vestas V112 3MW的離岸風機為對象,計算環境負載。本文使用單基樁、三基樁及四基樁群樁來進行分析,結果發現單基樁在外徑5公尺、殼厚0.025公尺及貫入深度13公尺,使用材料成本最少;三基樁群樁在外徑3公尺、殼厚0.02公尺、貫入深度9公尺及樁距2.5倍樁外徑,使用材料成本最少;四基樁群樁在外徑3公尺、殼厚0.015公尺、貫入深度9公尺及樁距2.5倍樁外徑,使用材料成本最少。比較以上三種形式基樁的結果,當考慮結構的重量與基樁與風機結構的銜接成本,單基樁是最佳的選擇可達節省成本及滿足設計強度之目的。


The wind power is one of the most promising renewable energy in the world. Due to the noise, environmental impact and the shortage of land of the onshore wind farm, the wind farm is shifting from onshore to offshore. The wind distribution is more uniform and the wind turbine can operate more efficiency in offshore environment. However, the environmental loads of the offshore wind turbine, such as the wave, current and ship collision, are increased. In order to improve the reliability of the offshore wind turbine, the foundation of the offshore wind turbine should be studied more carefully. The Vestas V112 3 MW offshore wind turbine is use as the example for the calculation of the environmental loads. Three kinds of offshore foundation, which are monopole, tripile and tetrapile, are studied in this research. A monopile with diameter of 5 meter, thickness of 0.025 m and depth of 13 m can support the Vestas V112 3MW offshore wind turbine. A tripile, with three small piles of diameter of 3 m、thickness of 0.02 m、depth of 9 m and distance of between the piles 7.5 meter, could also support the target wind turbine. A tetrapile, with four small piles which has the diameter of 3m, thickness of 0.015m、depth of 9 m and distance between piles 7.5 meter also meets the requirement to support the Vestas V112 3MW wind turbine. Monopile is the best choice, when considering the weight of the structure, the cost of connection between the foundation and the support structure of wind turbine, to achieve cost saving and meet the design strength of purpose.


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