  • 學位論文


"Dao" (the Way) and the Highest God in Early Taoism

指導教授 : 陳弱水


中文摘要 通過筆者對於道教早期各經系的經典、時間上稍晚的造像記和歷史文獻等相關材料的考察後,可以簡單歸納出以下幾個重點。首先,當我們在使用「道教」一詞時,必須認識到這一辭彙在觀念上,與指涉對象上的模糊性:符合一般對於「道教」乃「奉道之教」定義下的信仰團體,在當時只能是五斗米道教團;然而五斗米道卻顯然無法涵蓋當時有相同性質,卻又明顯有所區隔的其他信仰團體。在這一情況下,將「道教」等同於「奉道之教」,並以此概念來指涉當時的三大經系信奉者顯然是失之偏頗的理解方式。 因此筆者以為,若要較精確的界定當時具有相同性質的信仰團體,也許回到其經典自身的論述脈絡當中會是一較有效的辦法:以「五斗米道」指稱當時具有漢中傳統的信奉者及其組織,以「(古)靈寶經系」信奉者和「(古)上清經系」信奉者,來指稱修奉這兩大經群的團體或個人。然而筆者必須指出一點,後者並不意味著存在所謂「靈寶派」或「上清派」的教團派別:當時一人同時修奉數種經系教法、甚而並奉佛道兩教者可謂屢見不鮮。亦即,不應將這三大經系之間的區隔過度放大,應該認識到,三大經系正是有著共同的性質,因而其間的界限毋寧也顯得相當模糊。這也是本論文考察出的第二個重點,即道教自身的整合運動。 筆者以為,除了經典分類體系的建構外,發生在神靈──特別是至尊神──整併上的整合現象也不應忽視。從經典上對於至尊神記錄的轉變,則可看出這一整合運動的進行軌轍,乃是在古靈寶經系當中所逐漸發展出來:有著古上清經傳統的「元始天尊」、強調古靈寶經自身獨立意義的「靈寶天尊」,以及吸納五斗米道這一既古老卻又威力十足的傳統,乃有「老君」或「太上老君」神靈的進入經典論述當中。而這也形成日後的「三清」神靈譜系,以及其所代表的傳統和道教發展史上的歷史意義:結合古上清經、古靈寶經與佛教意涵的「元始天尊」,宣揚靈寶之教的「靈寶天尊」,以及古老傳統和教團基盤的「道德天尊」。 從神靈整合運動的建構過程當中,筆者考察出的另一重點,便是古上清經系在當時的重要性可能需要加以重估,以及神靈名號的記錄差異可能得以解讀出某些意義。上文所言的「三清」神靈譜系當中:不能輕易的將「靈寶天尊」直接視為是古上清經傳統的代表,畢竟「靈寶天尊」在古靈寶經當中有其自身的論述脈絡;而這一認識上的誤區,在很大程度上可能是學界太過強調上清經系在日後的發展所致。 上文對於需要重估古上清經影響性的看法,在考察過北朝隋代造像記的主神記錄後則獲得了進一步的證實;亦即,在筆者目前所掌握的一百二十八例資料當中,與古上清經主神相關者僅得二例,而嚴格說來,只有北魏「太上道君」一例可以清楚的辨識,而西魏的「大道」上恐怕還需進一步的比對。而與古上清經所提倡的教法結果相反,有著深厚傳統的五斗米道經系,其表現在造像等相關記錄上,則顯然可見對於老子神格化後的「老君」的崇拜現象持續整個北朝乃至隋代。 關鍵詞:道教、五斗米道、古上清經、古靈寶經、老君、天尊、南北交流


道教 天師道 老君 天尊 古靈寶經 南北交流


"Dao" (the Way) and the Highest God in Early Taoism Li, He-shu Abstract This article focuses on discussing a perception on the “Dao(the Way)”in the main kinds of the Early Taoism Canon: The Shangqing Scriptures(古上清經), Lingbao Scriptures (古靈寶經), and the Way of Five Pecks of Rice(五斗米道).The central question is “what is Taoism?”. In Early Taoism Canon, there are different perceptions on the “Dao(the Way)”: in the Shangqing Scriptures it means the Way of how to become a transcendent, but in Lingbao Scriptures that the“Dao(the Way)”means the Teachings of the Lingbao. Besides, in the Canon that the Way of Five Pecks of Rice, the “Dao(the Way)”means the Teachings of the “Dao(the Way)”. I will discusses another interesting and significant phenomenon that the status the Laojun (老君)and the Tianzun(天尊)in the Way of Five Pecks of Rice, as well as the same variation of some different materials in Northern Dynasties of China. The paper is divided into two sections. Firstly, I examine the records of the steles in the Medieval Northern China and attempt to point out the significations that the amount difference between the steles of the Laojun and the Tianzun in the history of the Way of Five Pecks of Rice. Secondly, I compare with three historical records:Wei shu Shilao zhi (魏書釋老志), Sui shu Jingji zhi(隋書經籍志), Daojiao shihua xu(道教實花序)and analyze the relations with these historical records. Furthermore, I also discuss the influences that the Southern Shangqing Scriptures, Lingbao Scriptureson the Northern the Way of Five Pecks of Rice and the final portion of this paper, I offer three observations about the Southern - Northern culture communication in the Medieval China. Keywords: Taoism,Way of Five Pecks of Rice, Shangqing Scriptures,Lingbao Scriptures, Laojun, Tianzun,Southern - Northern culture communication


