  • 學位論文


Only Welcoming Those Who Are Invited: New Strangers Living in Hualien Bed and Breakfast

指導教授 : 顏學誠


近來全臺各地咖啡店林立、小農市集的出現、教育改革、社區營造還有旅遊,都是臺灣社會轉變的一環;而在台灣社會整個轉變中,人與人之間的關係也在轉變、特別是對待陌生人態度的轉變。 在以往鄉土社會裡,陌生人進不到家裡,家如同堡壘般抵禦著家外的陌生人,陌生人不僅來歷不明、甚至是負面危險的,除了家人以外、只有熟人(親戚或朋友)才能進到家裡。而到了當代社會,雖然陌生人還是不能進到家裡,但陌生人不再只是負面危險、來歷不明的,他也可能是需要幫助、友善的,陌生人意象的衝突與拉扯使得人們在應對陌生人時產生了內心的掙扎與矛盾。 本文探究花蓮民宿裡民宿主人在家裡迎來新陌生人(客人)內心的掙扎與矛盾,這群民宿主人在家裡迎來新陌生人的掙扎與矛盾,正是台灣社會轉變中張力最清楚的地方。


漢人 花蓮 民宿 陌生人


Taiwan has undergone a variety of changes lately. More and more cafes and farmers’ markets are in business. Community empowerment programs and education reforms have been put in place by the government. Interpersonal relationship in Taiwanese society has also been in a period of change, particularly in terms of the attitude of Taiwanese people towards strangers. In the rural Chinese society in the past, homes were like forts which strangers were not allowed to enter. Strangers were considered to be an unknown quantity or even a threat. Homes would be open to only family members or friends of the owners. In the contemporary society, however, even though strangers still are not allowed to enter the homes, they are no longer viewed as unknown or dangerous; they can also be in need or friendly. Therefore, the contradiction of strangers’ image leads to the inner conflict contemporary Taiwanese people face when interacting with them. This thesis aimed to study the inner conflict of the hosts of Bed and Breakfasts in Hualien when they received strangers as guests to their homes. The inner conflict they went through when receiving strangers as guests at home was where the transformation of Taiwanese society at its most intense.


Chinese Home Hualien Bed and Breakfast Stranger


Anderson, B.
Baumann, Z.
1995 ‘Making and Unmaking of Strangers’, Thesis Eleven Vol.43, Pp.1-16.
